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2 Months Later

I could no longer get myself up from bed and get ready for the day. Every thought about her weighed me down. I could only think of her and nothing else. I felt like more of a failure every single day. I failed her and I could never forgive myself.

Every day I made it my job to search for her. I just needed something to hold onto, a small hint or trace of where she could be. But I had no hope for whatever I found, it all led back to the same thing. It has been sixty-four days since she was taken away. When I had told Y/N's family and her friends they were shocked. This was all my fault, I owed everyone and myself to find Y/N. I can't let anyone get in the way or stop me I need to find her. The same thought had replayed in my head every day yet I was never close to accomplishing that goal.

"My baby!"

Y/N's mom's voice kept repeating in my head, all the hurt, and pain that went into her voice. I remember how she looked at me with her eyes filled with tears that endlessly streamed down her cheeks.

"Find her, please... Find my baby."

It is all that kept me going, everyone else's hope. Especially Y/N's parents, I simply could not let them down.

I stopped staring at the computer screen in front of me and looked off to the side of my laptop. There was Y/N's picture, her smile was brighter than ever. Her face, voice, and laugh were permanent in my brain. I could almost hear her laughs from the picture.

I felt a tear run down my cheek then land on the desk. I brought my hand up to my face and rubbed my eyes. Then I looked back at my computer screen and looked at the time in the corner of the screen. It was 4:32 a.m., I've been at this for hours.

My eyes slowly looked back at the center of the screen, I stared at Jungsuk picture that was on there along with his information that was lit up in the green text. The information that I found on him was nothing to start from to find Y/N. If there was no location of him that I could find then there was no hope.

Soon an angry expression filled my face as I stared at Jungsuk's face. His voice played in my head, "I said this would come, brother, " how was I not prepared? I should've known this all along. It was an insult to my existence to be related to this scum. I could not bear it, knowing that he had the audacity to call me brother.

If only the tires weren't slashed on the cars I could've gotten to her, if only I was awake, if I was prepared, if I was strong enough, none of this would've come. I should've been taken, not her she doesn't deserve this what so ever. None of this should've of happened to her, I deserved it all. But Jungsuk wanted to attack my weakness, to make me surrender, I can't let it happen. If I were to surrender I would be letting everyone down, even Y/N. But I would get to be with her again... Don't be selfish Jungkook.

Quickly I rose from my seat and banged my fists on the desk out of anger. "Fuck!" I yelled while tears dropped from my face onto the desk.

I heard the door open behind me and soon I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Jungkook..." Taehyung said with a soft voice, trying to calm me down. Taehyung noticed what I was looking at on my computer and reached to close the laptop. He knew exactly why I got mad.

"You should get some rest, Jungkook..." Taehyung said quietly, taking his hand off my shoulder. I stared at the wall ahead of me and in a defeated look I closed my eyes and sighed. "Nothing today, " I said sternly then opening my eyes back up again. "Tomorrow-" Taehyung started but I cut him off, knowing what he was going to say. "Tomorrow? Every single day I've been trying to look for her. I don't know anymore I just want her so bad, " I whimpered out as pain filled my voice.

"Youll find her someday Jungkook, I know it, "Taehyung tried to assure me with hesitation in his voice. "How do you know? If anything she could be dead right now." I said quickly losing hope once again. "I know because I can feel it in my gut," Taehyung replied to me.

I could almost agree with Taehyung.

Every day, little by little, I was getting closer and closer. But I won't know what to expect tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I need to keep trying, I cannot give up. This small hope I'm hanging onto is what keeps me going every day, on this path to find her.

"She must be so scared Taehyung... I can't let her down." I said while clenching my fists. "I know, we'll do this together, but right now you need some sleep for tomorrow," Taehyung said, patting my back sweetly.

"Yeah... Thank you Taehyung, " I said nodding my head and turning away to walk out of my office. Taehyung stayed behind to clean up my workspace for tomorrow, I didn't ask him to but he did it out of respect and kindness.

While I walked down the hallway I was into deep thoughts. Maybe she might actually be dead? What if I'm doing all of this for nothing? Should I even try anymore? Is there any hope? I tried to shake them off but it was too hard. I was close to hitting my limit. Two months of non-stop hard work and searching and nothing turns up, it must mean something...




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