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After the failed attempt of getting information out of one of the members, I was now sitting in my room. During my time I explored the room trying to cure my boredom. The only hopeful things I've found so far were a couple of books that laid on a shelf. This room really was empty, I might just die of boredom.

I sighed loudly and laid down back on the bed, letting my thoughts surround me. Shutup Y/N, I said to myself while I was in thought, I can't let myself be thinking about anything else but escaping. I couldn't get my mind off of what it would be like to actually live here, meet the people, and him. I really hate him, well that's what I at least thought for now hopefully. Maybe they would realize this is no use or that I am not worth it and let me go? No, I can't sit around and wait for that, it might never even happen.

So far the information I've collected isn't really that helpful. Every exit in the house is locked, why wouldn't they be locked? The outside gives me no chance because there are windows everywhere overlooking that area and plus, my room is locked at night. My windows are locked tight as well, and there is nothing really strong enough to break them. Even if I did break them, I would immediately be caught. I bit my lip in thought and furrowed my eyebrows, thinking hard. Maybe I might just be stuck here after all.

I jumped at the sudden loud arguing that came from downstairs. I could tell there were several people arguing with each other and I even heard some new voices. I started to grow curious as to what they were arguing about, I couldn't clearly hear what they were saying. On that nosey thought, I got up from my bed and walked towards the door, placing my hand on the knob. I quietly and swiftly opened the door so it wouldn't make a single sound. I tiptoed quietly to the hallway railing that overlooked the kitchen where everyone was.

My movements were quiet and slow while I stood there quietly watching the people argue.

"Do you know how many risks we are taking?" One of the voices boomed from several people, he was the man I had seen earlier talking to Junguk outside. "Of course but he demands it!" A feminine voice boomed back at him, she was the only woman there. She seemed sweet and welcoming. "This is stupid and we need to convince him," the man with the red hair insisted with frustration. "That's not possible," another man said while shaking his head in denial. "We need to get rid of that dumb girl," the man with red hair said sternly towards them.

Are they talking about me? I thought to myself while a shock filled expression washed over my face.

The woman and the man with dark brown hair seemed to be agreeing with each other and disagreeing with everyone else. The man with the dark brown hair was the one who always brought me up to my room and gave me the orders of Junguk.

"She shouldn't be here," the man with blonde hair said, "my whole life can be ruined."

"Oh, just yours? What about everyone else?" The one with dark brown hair said with an angry look, "yeah, if we were to even try and get rid of her we couldn't trust her with the information she already has, idiots," the woman added on. "We do have other options," the one with blonde hair said, "I mean..." he said while looking at the man with red hair.

"Then you guys are disobeying him, and you know what happens when you do that, do you remember what happened to Nina?" The woman said towards them both, they all nodded their heads with guilty looks. "If only Sl-" the man with red hair started but suddenly was cut off by Junguk walking into the room. "That's enough," Junguk said with a menacing voice.

He looked at them all with his dominant eyes, making them look down in pure guilt and terror. "I don't want to hear this discussion ever again," Junguk said with disgust in his voice, "but-" the man with blonde hair started but quickly stopped once Jungkook shot him a fierce look. It was quiet for a few seconds, the air was filled with bitterness. Then the man with red hair spoke up boldly, "if your stupid girl gets loose you know what will happen," he scoffed. Junguk looked at him with fiery anger lit up in his eyes, the man kept eye contact bravely. "Yes," Junguk started but quickly looked up at the stairs, laying his eyes on me. I hadn't noticed but the floorboards had creaked once I moved my foot. My face filled with fear once Junguk had stared at me directly back in the eyes. "Damnit," Junguk muttered right before I had turned and ran back into my room.

I quickly closed the door behind me and stood there staring at the closed door. I panicked as I heard the footsteps of him getting closer and closer. I'm in trouble, I thought to myself as I took another step away from the door. The second the door had opened I saw Junguk's face and I fell back onto the bed out of fear. I closed my eyes and raised my hands up in defense, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I quickly apologized as sheer terror kept rising up in me. "I shouldn't have left my room and been there, I am so sorry-" I kept apologizing till he had interrupted me, "get up," he said.

I opened my eyes and looked at him with confusion, he stood there with a calm presence. I gulped and nodded my head, bringing down my hands and sitting back up on the bed.

"I'm sorry for what you heard out there," he said, looking at me with shame. He's apologizing? I thought to myself out of confusion. "I will talk to them later about what they had said, I know it hurts you," Junguk said gently to me. Quickly all the great fear and terror that was built up had melted away into a sympathetic emotion. "You don't have to," I managed to stutter out while I was in complete confusion. "No, I need to," Junguk insisted, "just," he started but seemed to get lost in what to say. "Don't listen to them or believe what they say, I trust you and they just need some time, they don't see you like how I do," he continued on, saying every word with honesty. I was in shock, I didn't know how to react or what to say. I didn't expect this from him, is this how he really feels?

He stared at me then looked away with a guilty look. Then turned around to exit the room. Say something Y/N, I thought to myself. I reached my hand out before he left, "wait," I said. He stopped and turned his head to me. Shit, I said to myself, what am I supposed to say after that?

It seemed as if the words were already gone, I really was lost. I shook my head while closing my eyes out of embarrassment, bringing my hand down back to my side. "Sorry, nevermind," I said to him, he looked at me confused then continued his walk out the room.

I don't know how to think anymore. These feelings seem new and I want them, but I don't know-how. It is a ball of words stuck in my throat that I've said so many times before but now I can't say them? It is just one sentence that I never used correctly. Then there is these swirl of emotions that fill my stomach, and a tingly sensation that touches my toes and the tips of my fingers. It makes my hairs stand up and my cheeks grow red.

What is this?




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now