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Jungkook looked at me, thinking deeply about the question I had asked him. "Get in the car," he said to me while I stared at him. "What? No, tell me please." I said closing the car door. "Y/N... Please just get in the car..." Jungkook said with a sigh, keeping his car door open. "Jungkook , we've already talked about this, don't hide things from me," I said raising my voice. "Get in the car and I will tell you." He said opening his door wider and then sliding into the seat. I rolled my eyes and gave up, I opened back up my car door and got in with him.

"So? Can you explain now." I questioned him, raising my eyebrows. He stayed silent, not bringing any attention to me. He started the car, continuing to ignore me. "Jungkook, " I said with anger. "Tell me now or I'll get out of this car." I started to get frustrated with him choosing to ignore me. "Just tell me please, I won't get mad about it," I said trying to stay calm towards him. He didn't pull out of the parking spot, he stayed in the park, his hands on the wheel and his head faced forwards.

He sighed and hung his head down, closing his eyes in defeat. "Okay..." He said, keeping his eyes away from mine. He looked out the window, his hand under his chin, he looked guilty almost. "I don't know how you feel about me killing people, I don't want you to feel scared of me. I do it for a good cause... A good cause," He said and for some reason repeated what he had said as if he was debating about it in his head. "Fuck... There's a good reason behind it..." He said huffing louder.

"Okay, what's the good reason?" I said furrowing my eyebrows at him. "He was not a good man at all trust me Y/N..." He said as he rubbed his eyes, stressfully. "Jungkook, what is it that's making you act like this?" I questioned him.

"Goddammit..." He muttered under his breath. He ran his hand through his hair, taking another loud sigh. He looked like he was in a lot of stress. "Jungkook-" I started but then he had cut me off, "I killed my fucking uncle, okay?" He said looking at me. "Your uncle? Why Jungkook?" I said I was shocked by what he did. My eyes grew wide while he continued on. "He's not a good man and he never would've been. God, he's treated my family like shit my whole life and had disrespected everything that I worked for. He was a racist, sexist, piece of shit who sold minors and little babies to get money. He worked for the government in secret as well and he has done nasty things for them. I couldn't see him hurt these children anymore, Y/N I had to do something." His voice grew softer and weaker. His eyes slightly teared up, he had probably thought that I was thinking of him terribly and that I hated the fact he killed a family member.

I leaned forward and reached my hand up to his cheek, brushing my thumb across his cheek. "Jungkook, it's okay. He is a terrible man, it's good that you killed him. I don't think of you differently because of that. I think of you as a great person for doing such a thing to save those poor children, Jungkook, don't ever question what I think about you or my love." I said smiling at him, then sliding my hand up to his soft hair.

"I just can't believe I killed my uncle. I fired the gun. He begged for mercy. I don't think I could ever give a man like him a second chance." Slater said, his grey ocean eyes darting between the window and me. "It's okay..." I said, playing with his hair slightly as he stared into my eyes. "Thank you, Y/N..." He said with a slight smile on his face. Then he turned away from me back to the stirring wheel. He pulled out of the parking lot back onto the main roads.

"I try my best to not think about it, but I hate myself for killing my own uncle," Jungkook said while he was driving down the road. I stayed silent, waiting for him to say more. But then his phone started to ring, he picked it out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Yeah, Namjoon?" He said to the caller. "Dammit," he said with a booming voice and an angry look. "They want to make a deal? Who the fuck do they think I am?" His voice was filled with rage. "Okay when?" He questioned Namjoon, "In thirty minutes? I have Y/N with me."

"Take her with me? Are you serious?" "Fine, where is it?" "Their own place? Fuck okay..." "Okay, bye."

I could tell by the look in his eyes he was not happy. "What is it?" I said hesitantly.

"X Anonymous, they want to meet up and make a deal." He said, trying to calmly talk to me. He gritted his teeth as he drove faster down the road, taking turns that weren't towards the house. "Where are we going?" I said, holding onto my seat belt. "To their headquarters..." He responded with an aggravated tone.

He looked at me then looked at my dress. "And you're wearing that... Dammit... You're going to stay in the car I don't want you near anybody." I wondered why he was mad about what I was wearing as if he was jealous of showing me off to his rivals. "What's the deal about?" I questioned him wondering what was so urgent that he had to rush over there at this second. "It's about... You and money, that's it, " He looked at me with an almost worried face, goosebumps rose up on my arms from how he had said that. It scared me.

Soon we arrived at a large warehouse that was surrounded by buildings, it was located in an area heavy with companies and factories. The air smelled polluted and nasty, I coughed slightly once I had open up my door. "No, you're staying in the car." He said, rushing to my side and closing the door shut. I rolled my eyes and sat back in my seat, crossing my arms.

He leaned down and looked at me through the car window, "I'll be back, " he said then walked off. Two men with the X Anonymous mask walked up to Jungkook, checking him for any weapons. After they were done, they walked off inside of the big warehouse.

I checked my phone for the time, it has been two hours ever since Jungkook went in. I trembled at the fact of him being hurt, I was starting to worry. My phone battery was almost dead, I've been on it this whole time, with nothing else to do. I sighed and peered out the car window, looking for any sign of Jungkook. Suddenly I see Jungkook limping out with four men dragging him out. My heart dropped.

He was bloody and hurt his lips were busted and his face was bruised. Blood poured from his mouth and head the most, it showed he had been beaten. He looked at me with blank eyes, my heart raced. Anger rose up inside of me, I yelled thinking he'd hear me while he was about twenty feet from me. "Jungkook!" I yelled banging against the car window. "Run." He mouthed to me.

I quickly unlocked the car door, opening it then looking at where to run. Soon two men came to fill my sight, aggressively grabbing me by my arms. "Let go of me!" I yelled trying to kick them. They brought me over to the warehouse. They had made Jungkook dropped to his knees, droplets of blood splattered on the floor as he hung his head low. "So this is Y/N?" One of the men said, grabbing me by the face, making my lips squish together. Jungkook looked at me with defeat in his eyes. "Y/N..." he coughed out.

"No! What the fuck did you do to him? Why?" I yelled, trying to get loose from their grasp. "He didn't agree with me and I didn't like what he said." Another male voice said I looked up at him, he seemed to be the leader of this group. His voice was deep and menacing, it sent chills throughout my body. Soon the two men released their grip of me, I tumbled down onto my knees, holding Jungkook in my arms. "Jungkook..." I whimpered, holding his face in my hands. I looked at my hand, my fingers covered with blood from the wounds they had made on him.

He had no strength to say anything. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." He whispered closing his eyes in pain. Suddenly I was grabbed by the two men again, ripping me away from Jungkook. "Leave her be, please!" Jungkook yelled with all the strength he had left. He winced at the pain that came while he talked. He tried getting up but he was pushed back down instantly. "Jungkook!" I yelled as they dragged me away from him. Tears poured down my cheeks, my heart raced, I was so pissed.

I've never seen Jungkook so weak. He doesn't look like himself at all. It hurt me deeply to see him hurt, the thought of it made my eyes water. I whimpered as the men tightened their grasp on me. I needed to get out of here, Jungkook needed me. What was I supposed to do, what was going to happen to me? What was going to happen to Jungkookff?

Then my ears rang to a loud gunshot behind me.




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now