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Meeting Jungsuk

I looked at my phone every minute watching the time. Adrenaline rushed through my veins once it had hit 7:00 p.m, I looked back up outside the car window. I was in a dark alleyway that was located right behind Nino's restaurant. All of this felt unsettling but I had no other option. Everything about this seemed sketchy, the time, the place, and mostly who I am meeting with.

While I stared out the car window I noticed a dark figure turn the corner into the alleyway. I knew it was Jungsuk, so then I slowly opened up my car door. When I got out I stood there for a few seconds as anxiety overwhelmed me. I started to panic, but before I could do anything he had come face to face with me. He leaned forward and closed the car door for me as I was standing there in shock.

"h-hi" I managed to stutter out, "hello Y/N," he said looking down at me and intimidating me. I looked back up at him then managed to calm myself down. His look gave me terrors. Suddenly he turned around and started walking down the alleyway, I quickly followed beside him.

I couldn't tell what he looked like because he wore his mask. All I knew was he had black hair that was short and combed nicely. He was wearing a black hoodie and black sweat pants, possibly to hide his figure to other people. I felt water droplets hit my face, I noticed that it started to rain slightly. That added on to the suspense I was feeling right now. I was in a dark alley, it's raining, and I'm with a man who I'm terrified of. I also have no protection, this made my anxiety go through the roof.

It felt like the silence between us lasted too long while we walked slowly. I looked at him for a split second then looked down at my feet. "Why is Jungkook hiding?" I broke the silence with a question I would not stop thinking about. He stopped then I stopped with him. He looked at me and grinned. "If he wasn't away right now, the government would have all of you in their hands and the headquarters location would've been revealed to them." He said with a stern voice to me. "How does him leaving do anything?" I questioned him again, "gives us a week to do things without him fucking us up." Jungsuk said slightly annoyed while he thought about Jungkook. "We want him in our hands instead of the government,that's why I used them as a threat because he knew he would be fucked." Jungsuk continued on, it all started to make sense now.

I took this time to continue asking questions.

"What do you plan on doing?" "I'm going to destroy everything you guys have created for others to believe." I was quiet for a few seconds, thinking how that would go.

"Why do you want to do that?" "So we can take down your whole entire group by not just using our power but the people's power. And it is revenge, taking down everything that Jungkook has ever loved." Jungsuk seemed serious, he said it like it was almost there just at the tip of his fingers. His goal or revenge seemed what he had been trying to do this whole entire life.

"Then we plan on taking over the government since they think we are on there side, but we are much more powerful than just being an ally." Jungsuk continued on.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" I said to him with a suspicious look. "Because you'll be in our hands before any of it happens, you pose no threat to us knowing this information." Chills went up to my spine from his response. I couldn't imagine being captured by him.

"What are you getting revenge for?" I said, driving the topic away from him threatening me. "Jungkook has killed my uncle, who was the former leader. Jungkook has proved us wrong and tore apart our group from the start and finally this year I won't be defeated. I will tear his group apart and take everything he loves. He has ruined my life, did he tell you that he killed my dad too?" I didn't expect Jungkook to do that, he had killed his own father? What explanation was there behind that one? Before I asked why, Jungsuk spoke again, "let him explain why." he said with an angry voice.

I bit my lip thinking of what to say. "If you try any stupid shit with me I will be a threat to your family," Jungsuk said, the idea of him having his hands on my family made me rage. I loved my mom and stepdad dearly, I couldn't get the idea out of my head of Jungsuk having their blood on his hands. I looked at him with furious eyes.

"Don't ever touch my family. How dare you-"

"I don't think you understand Y/N. Your family and you are no threat to me, so don't think I won't keep my hands off." Jungsuk laughed at me as I stared at him with rage boiling in my veins. "Jungkook will kill you, I'll make sure he does you sick bastard," I yelled at him with meaning in every word. I knew Jungkook wouldn't let Jungsuk destroy him, I knew it wouldn't happen.

Jungsuk stopped laughing and looked at me angrily. I knew he didn't like being told he was going to be defeated by his greatest enemy. I knew I shouldn't have said that as it made him hate me even more than he should've.

"Jungkook will win again and again, " I continued on, making Jungsuk an angry mess. Before I could say another word he pinned me against the brick wall, making me hit my head on the wall. I closed my eyes as the sharp pain went through my head. I was frozen in terror as he stared at me. Anger had taken over his face, he seemed like he wanted to kill me.

"W-Why not kill me now?" I stuttered out in fear, he grinned at me. "I want Jungkook to be there when I take you away, I want him to watch." He stopped grinning and continued looking straight at me, intimidating me greatly. "Don't ever threaten me." He said to me then let go of me, making me sigh in relief. He looked at me one more time then walked away to his car.

I didn't look back at him, I quickly turned and ran back to my car, pulling the key out of my pocket.

I managed to unlock the car and get in quickly, then start the car. I locked the doors then put my hands on the wheel. I sat there for a few seconds breathing heavily. I sighed loudly thinking about Jungsuk. The look he had given me once he left sent fear to me.

I couldn't let this happen, I needed to do something.




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now