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Four Days Later

I sat on the bottom of the stairs with my eyes fixated on the door. The clock ticking filled my ears as I sat there in silence. Everyone else was asleep but I couldn't fall asleep because today was the day. Today was the day that Jungkook comes home and like what Taehyung said, might be the day Jungsuk attacks. I didn't feel ready because I didn't know what to expect.

It has been four days since I met with Jungsuk, but it felt like yesterday. Everything he had said was still fresh in my mind. I never got rid of the idea of what he could do to my family. It is what bothered me the most over these past few days, the threats he had made is what kept me up at night thinking.

Soon the door handle moved, I quickly got up and waited for Jungkook to come through the door. Then there he was, we smiled once we saw each other. Nothing changed about him, he seemed to be the exact same. I quickly walked up to him once he closed the door behind him. He laid down his bag and then I jumped into his arms.

"I missed you, " I mumbled into his shoulder as he hugged me tightly. "Me too, " he said back.

After a few seconds of hugging each other, I pulled away and looked at him. I was still pissed about him leaving with no notice. I glared at him while he looked back at me. "What?" He said looking at me confused. "What? What do you mean what? I thought you were hurt, stolen, and you didn't even give me any goodbye when you left!" My voice boomed at him, I truly was annoyed by that still. Every day I worried about his safety. "Not my fault you stole my car keys and left so I couldn't say anything to you!" He said back trying to defend himself.

I raised my hand and hit him on his chest. "That's for scaring me! And not saying goodbye!" I said crossing my arms, finishing my point. He laughed slightly from me being so angry, "you're so cute when you're mad." He giggled out while looking at me in my angry mess. I scoffed then laughed, "stop, " I smiled.

Seeing him helped me escape from Jungsuk. But soon it had all come back to me and the reminder of telling him what happened. My smile faded from my face and I looked at him worried, "come upstairs there's a lot I need to tell you." I said to Jungkook motioning upstairs. "What?" He questioned me but before he could say anything else I was already going up the stairs. He picked up his bag and continued up the stairs behind me.

Soon we were both in my room, he laid his bag on the floor and sat down beside me on the bed. "So?" He said looking at me with a worried look. "A couple of days ago me and Jungsuk met together." I started but before I could continue Jungkook quickly cut me off, "you and who? Did what? Y/N!" He said in frustration. "Let me finish, " I said while looking at him. He nodded his head letting me continue on. "Anyways, he talked about why he wanted you to leave and what he planned to do. He wants to take over the government and take you down, like revenge. He also said he will take me from you." He looked at me with protectiveness in his eyes. "He won't and I'll make sure he doesn't, he won't get his hands on you," Jungkook said in anger, getting up from the bed.

"He threatened my family, Jungkook. I'm scared for them. And..." I stopped myself quickly, thinking about him and his dad. I was scared to bring it up. "And?" he questioned me, waiting for me to respond. Before I could say anything a sharp pain hit my stomach. I felt nauseous instantly as if I was about to throw up. "Jungkook..." I murmured in pain, he quickly turned to me. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He said, not knowing what to do. He then quickly helped me up, leading me towards the bathroom.

Then I was in front of the toilet on my knees, ready to puke. He held my hair back while I threw up. The pain was intense and I hated it, it felt like pushing in my throat and stomach as it all came up. Jungkook yelled for Jisoo to come and quickly she did, she was in her pajamas since it was so early in the morning. "Move," she said to Jungkook, he quickly moved, letting Jisoo help me.

I stopped throwing up and now I just feel nauseous. "Have you eaten anything in the last twenty-four hours?" Jisoo questioned me, I shook my head "no". "It's not food poisoning or anything she ate," Jisoo said, she then looked at Jungkook with a worried look. "Give her space, leave the room," Jisoo said motioning towards the door, Jungkook nodded his head and quickly left the room leaving me and Jisoo alone.

She then got up quickly grabbing a Dixie cup from the counter and turned on the faucet. The Dixie cup was now filled with cold water to the rim, she bent back down and helped me drink the cold water. "What do you think it is?" I questioned her once I finished drinking, "when was the last time you had your period?" She asked me. I thought hard, "Um, I haven't had my period in a long time actually. Do you think I'm..." I couldn't bring myself to say the word, shock filled me. "I'll be right back, " Jisoo said quickly leaving the bathroom.

There's no way that I am pregnant. What will Jungkook say? Am I even ready or is he ready? Questions kept popping up in my head, instilling me with fear of every outcome. How will I tell Jungkook?

Quickly my attention turned back to Jisoo who ran back into the bathroom. "Here, " she said, handing me a pregnancy test out of the box. I gulped, not ever expecting to come to this point. She got back up and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her to give me privacy. I got up and turned to sit on the toilet. I held up the pregnancy test and looked at it with worries.

After a few minutes I had completed the pregnancy test, I hesitated to see the result on the small device. I brought it back up and saw the two red lines along the screen. I stared at the test in deep thought about this. I wasn't sure what to expect, this was terrifying and it overwhelmed me. Then I got back up from the toilet, pulling my shorts up. "Can I come in?" Jisoo questioned me, knocking on the door. "Yes, " I replied, then quickly she came in, "so?" she looked at me with a worried look. I nodded my head yes, then quickly tears poured down my cheeks. She quickly hugged me tightly to comfort me.

I don't know how to feel about this.




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now