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After a few minutes I stood back up from the cold ground. I wiped my eyes slowly in between sniffles. I had to get myself together and work on a way out. But before I could turn back into the bathroom I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, " I said, granting access to whoever was there. I turned around to see a man with dark brown hair standing there. "Anon requests you downstairs in thirty minutes for breakfast, " the man said. "What? No, I am not going down there to eat with him, " I said in denial of even going near that man. "Please ma'am does as he asked, it'll make everything easier for you, " the man said, insisting that I should follow through. "Fine, " I said furrowing my eyebrows then looking away.

I turned away while the man quickly exited the room, locking the door behind him.

I looked around the room and noticed a small walk-in closet near the bed. I walked towards the closet and switched on the light. There were barely any clothes in here. I walked alongside the clothes that were hung up, dragging my hand along them. Then I stopped on a white cropped tank top, it seemed to be the only good option. I took it off the hanger then looked around where pants would be. My eyes landed on a large brown dresser, I opened up the top draw revealing two pairs of jeans. I scoffed at the poor amount of jeans, then I continued to look through each draw. The top draw was the only draw that actually had stuff in it. I sighed looking at my two options, I went with the light washed jeans that seemed to be slightly stressed.

Soon I had my outfit put together, I stared into the mirror in the bathroom. This will work for now I guess I thought to myself while I looked at the plain outfit. I switched the light switch off once I had walked out of the bathroom. I stood there in the room, looking around once again. I could try the window? I thought to myself while I walked over to the window alongside the wall. I tried opening it and checking for locks but there was no hope.

I sighed loudly from my attempt and places my hands on my hips, thinking hard. Finally, an idea popped up in my head, I looked around for some sort of hard object. Then my eyes landed on a wooden chest that was used for decoration. It was slightly large, I walked over to it and struggled to pick it up as its weight shifted onto me. I walked slowly over back to the window.

But before I could do anything I heard the door open, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, " the man said. "Nevermind then, " I sighed, putting down the chest in front of the window. "Follow me please," the man said while motioning towards the outside. I nodded my head and proceeded to walk over to him. Soon he was leading me down a hallway and to a set of stairs that went down to the main room where the entrance was. I took in all of my surroundings as fast as I could, what stood out most was the entrance and the large modern kitchen.

From everything that I've seen so far I could tell this was no ordinary home, it looked wealthy and nice.

The man stopped in front of a sliding glass door, he opened it up for me then pointed towards the table that was placed outside. I stepped forward and made my way towards the table. I sat down in the chair that was placed across from the man. He sat there with his elbows on the table and with his chin rested on top of his hands. He smiled when he saw me sit down, I glared at him then look down to the plate of food in front of me. The smell of the bacon, eggs, and toast filled my nose.

I ignored the man and picked up my fork, I was starving. He scoffed but I simply ignored him. I ate a few bites of the scrambled eggs and then picked up a piece of bacon. While eating the piece of bacon I scanned the area around me. What stood out was a large pool and how nicely the outside area looked. Everything was very pretty and decorated nicely.

My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now