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I was infuriated with anger, everything was so overwhelming. Y/N kissing Drake then her getting assaulted by Kevin. It felt disgusting to know that other men, men I know, had touched Y/N places I should only touch. It pissed me off even more that Kevin even dared to do that. I was angry at Drake as well, he knows that Y/N is mine. Why would they let that happen?

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my car keys out of my pocket. Once I reached the door I unlocked my car and quickly got inside. Turning on the car, I pulled out of the driveway, leaving the house behind me.

I drove with speed, cutting in front of cars, I didn't care. All my energy and anger was focused on Kevin. I never took my eyes off the road. I was fixated on getting there quickly. The honking of other drivers filled my ears. I blocked them out and kept replaying what Y/N had said in my head. "He kept kissing me..." and I imagined Kevin assaulting her, filling me with rage.

My grip tightened on the wheel as Drake's apartment came into my view. I swerved tightly, parking right against the sidewalk. Then I turned off the engine and slammed my car door shut once I had gotten out.

I ran up the stairs in the apartment building, after a few turns I arrived at the floor Drake's apartment was on. I sped to the door and was about to knock until I realized that it was slightly open. A confused look fell over my face as I pushed open the door, wondering why it was open. Then my eyes grew wide as I saw Drake sitting on the ground with Kevin in his arms. Kevin was covered in blood, Drake's face was beaten and his hands bloody from Kevin.

I took in the scene, speechless onto what to say. "What the fuck happened?" I questioned Drake, my eyes tracing back and forth at Kevin and him. "They- they got him..." Drake stuttered. I went down on my knees to Drake's level, looking at Kevin. He looked lifeless, his mask was shattered on the floor next to him, revealing his face was beaten badly. I knew who "they" was, X Anonymous. "Is he dead?" I said to Drake, keeping my eyes on Kevin.

Drake didn't answer, he just stood there with a blank face staring at Kevin. I reached my hand out to feel Kevin's pulse, there was no pulse. "Fuck, " I murmured under my breath. My heart dropped knowing Kevin was dead. It had happened so quickly as if they knew exactly what time they'd be vulnerable. Then chills ran up my spine, I remember Y/N was unprotected in the house right now. They could be heading over there right now, knowing I wasn't there to stop them.

I held a hand out to Drake, staring at him in his eyes. He grabbed my hand slowly, letting Kevin's lifeless body drop to the ground. Drake stood up with me, his eyes never leaving Kevin's face. I could tell he was traumatized and hurt deeply. "Let's go..." I said softly, motioning towards the door. Drake nodded slowly, he stepped over Kevin's body then towards the door. Drake followed behind me as we left the apartment building.

I started the engine of the car once we had gotten in. I pulled out and started speeding back to the house. Blood rushed in my veins thinking of Y/N getting hurt. "It happened all so quickly..." Drake said to me softly, breaking the silence. His eyes looked off into the distance with a blank expression. I couldn't read his emotion, all I knew was that he was traumatized. "Kevin opened the door, then I heard struggling and things being pushed over. I was too late when I heard the gunshot, I tried to fight them off but there were too many. They left when they saw you pull in, leaving us." Drake said with pauses between each sentence. He looked up at me waiting for a response or an assurance that everything was going to be okay.

"I'm sorry about Y/N..." Drake said, looking away guilty. "That's the least of our worries right now, Drake," I said to him, not wanting to have that be brought up right now. "We will get revenge Drake. For Kevin." I said with fiery eyes.

"Revenge..." Drake said, I could tell he was in deep thought.

When we arrived at the mansion, pulling into the driveway, there seemed to be nothing out of place. There were no cars or anything suspicious. I calmed down, knowing Y/N was safe. I saw Taehyung sitting on the steps smoking a cigarette, he looked at me then looked at Drake. His eyes widened and Drake's appearance as he was beaten up badly and had blood-soaked in his clothes. Taehyung didn't question what had happened, he quickly reacted and went to help Drake who struggled to stand up straight.

I walked up the steps to the house then opened up the door quickly. I saw Y/N sitting at the kitchen counter, twiddling with her thumbs nervously. Seeing her make me know she was safe, it calmed me. She turned to me and her eyes widened then she quickly got up from her seat.

"What happened?" She questioned me with a shaky voice. I could tell she was nervous seeing the blood on my hands. "Kevin was killed..." I said to her slowly, looking away with a sad expression. "By who?" She said quickly, stepping closer to me. "X Anonymous got to him, " I said but then suddenly turned my attention to Drake and Taehyung who were walking inside. Drake's arm was over Taehyung's neck, while Taehyung helped him to stand up.

Y/N quickly ran over to Drake with a worried look. She gasped looking at his beaten face. "Drake, " she whimpered. I watched her hand placement, then their kissing was brought back up to my mind. "Don't touch him, " I said with an aggravated tone. I didn't want Y/N to be near Drake because of what happened. It created scenarios in my head and thoughts that I hated. "But, Jungkook, " She said with a confused look to me. "Come here, " I said aggressively with an intimidating voice. She obeyed and glanced at Drake then quickly walked over to my side.

"Have Jisoo help you, " I said to Taehyung while he slowly helped Drake to the bathroom. He nodded his head to me. Then I turned my head to Y/N, she looked away from Drake then up to me. Her face filled with guilt. "I am sorry," she said softly to me. I could tell she was truly sorry.

I hesitated with my words, deciding to forgive her.

"It's okay..." I said with a slightly strict voice, then she suddenly hugged me. Her arms wrapped around me tightly and she snugged her ahead against my body. "I'm scared," She said, I placed my hand on her cheek as she looked up to me. My eyes got lost in hers, then I quickly snapped back and searched for the words I was going to say. "You are safe with me, " I assured her, brushing her cheek softly.

She reached her hand up to my face and brushed her thumb softly against my large cut on my cheek. She furrowed her eyebrows at the cut. "Are you doing better?" She questioned me as her eyes glanced at the bruises that were made along my face."Yes-" I responded but then she cut me off, "Will Drake be okay?" she said, looking off into the distance. I rolled my eyes while she looked away and slightly clenched my teeth. "Of course, " I murmured because of jealousy.

She looked back up at me then yawned quietly, "you need to get sleep, " I said noticing how tired she was and the dark circles that formed under her eyes. Y/N nodded her head in agreement then walked away towards the stairs. I followed behind her as she went up the stairs. Once she had reached her room she opened the door quietly, leaving it open for me, then she walked to her closet to strip from her dress and makeup.

I closed the door and watched her walk away to the closet. I took off the black hoodie that I wore and threw it on the floor, then I took my phone out of my sweatpants pocket and set it on the nightstand. I dragged my hand down my stomach, feeling the bruises, scars, and cuts that were placed around my abs and chest. I winced at the soft touch from my hands, my bruises were still fresh. I then walked to the bed and opened up the covers, getting inside.

My eyelids grew heavy as time passed. When I was about to doze off I felt Y/N slip under the covers with me. Her warmth filled the bed, making me calm. Soon we both had fallen asleep.




My Anonymous Stalker 🔞 Jeon Jungkook X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now