School Can be Fun...

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John's POV

"John, honey, hurry up and get ready or you're gonna be late for school. Again."

"No, Mimi, I don't wanna go. I hate it there..."

"I don't care, you won't get anywhere in life if you don't go, and you're already on your second suspension for skipping classes. You'll be expelled if you keep this teddy boy attitude up!"

"Ugh, fine, whatever..." 

I hated school so much. There's certainly a reason for why me and my mates Paul and George ditch so much. Why aren't they regarded as the school's baddies? The most wanted? Why am I the target here? It's not fair.

But I will admit, there is one, and only one, class that I like.

My English teacher. Her name is Emma, and she's the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I never even pay attention to her lectures, I'm just in awe of her beauty. I haven't told Paul or George; I'm far too afraid of what they'd say. 

And as I walk into my first class of the day...with her.

"Good morning, class..."

Mmm, good morning, sexy girl. I can't even pay attention to what she's teaching us, I just focus on the beautiful features of her, every single one-

"John! Are you even paying attention?"

"Oh, of course!" I laugh, in fear and in adoration. My cheeks are a bright pink.

"What page are we on then?"



The class laughs in my face, making my tough teddy boy attitude want to act up, but the presence of her made me feel small. 

"Lennon, there aren't even that many pages in the book. I'm afraid I'll have to write you a detention slip, and from what I've heard before, you better not escape it." 

Oh, have no fear, darling, this'll be the only detention that I won't be missing...

 At lunch time, I sat with Paul and George, happily. 

"Wow, John, you haven't left yet?" George giggled.

"No...I never leave in the morning, just the afternoon, like you guys."

"Well, perfect opportunity! We've got band practice tonight, so that'll be fun. Plus I finished our song, remember?" Paul chimed in.


"Oh, Johnny, Johnny, oh, Johnny, Johnny..."

"Oh yeah, the song with both of us singing! I'd love to start early, but I got detention."

George scoffs. "You've never finished a day of detention in your life. What makes today so special?" 

That hint of fear returns, and I sprint to the bathroom to hide it.

Paul knocks on the door in concern. "John?"

"Go away! It's nothing to do with you or our song, I'd love to work on it, it's just...I don't want to talk about it. Maybe later, if you don't tell Hazza."

Paul nods and walks away. George is smart enough to not approach the now crying me, who hangs out in the bathroom the rest of the day, a strategy I often used to get out of my least favorite classes. Never failed, almost. 

And finally, the moment I was waiting for...

"Well, well, well, look who actually showed up for his detention time." 

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, Emma, darling..." 

"Excuse me-"

I cut her off with a rough but still passionate kiss. She needed it. 

"I bet your lover wouldn't give you that, would he?"

"I-I don't have a lover, Johnny-"

"Mmm, I love me a girl who gives in like that. And how about we fulfill that position?"

"Are you sure? I could get fired for that-"

"Hush your pretty little lips, dear. I'll be yours, all yours. No one needs to know."

"I suppose so-what are you doing?!"

"Preparing to fuck the most beautiful girl in all of existence." 


Now she's getting turned on. And now I'm getting turned on by her stunning naked body.

I strip off too, and I see her eyes widen at the size of me. 

I play with myself a little. "I see you like what you're looking at...well, it's all yours now..." 

I enter her, and I've never felt something so tight, so wet, and so satisfyingly perfect at the same time. "Fuck, Emma feel heavenly."

"John! Oh, John, I'd forgive you for any wrongdoings you've ever made for this! How are you so good at sex, mmm..."

"I just have the natural talent, I guess..." 

I go faster and faster until I cum deep inside her, where she does the same. 

"Was that worth my detention?" 

"So worth it...teacher's pet worthy...I love you,'re excused."

"I love you too, darling Emma." I blow her a kiss before walking out the door, to band practice. 

Maybe I should forcefully get detention with her...

If you're not aware of the song I'm referring to in the story, it's called I Don't Know (Johnny, Johnny). It's there above to listen to. Simply marvelous. 😍

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