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At last, it has been completed. The perfect song for my perfect lady. I needed something for the both of us, and tonight I shall convey that message to her, no matter what it takes. But I have a specific plan...

So now I must await her arrival. Such a long time it seems...but I shall lay in our bed for as long as it takes.


Just wait until she discovers me in this state, like a lost treasure...

Soon enough, seeming like hours, I hear the sound of my angel bird coming up the stairs to look for me.

"Johnny?" She calls, unaware of my presence.

I pop my head out of the covers, slowly removing the sheet to show her everything. I smirked at her. "Hello, baby girl..."

She backed away a little in shock. "Well, somebody is quite eager..."

I giggled. "That's not the only reason, baby. I want to make love to you, of course, when do I not? But I also have a special surprise for you...join me, my dear." I motion for her to get in the bed with me, which she happily obliges.

Without me even commanding, she strips for me. "Ooh, good girl. Anyway, I made a song for you, my love." I kiss her so passionately that my tongue slides into her mouth. I feel her moan into the kiss.

"Oh, can I hear it, Johnny? I'm excited, in more ways than one..."

I nod, pulling out the record and popping it on, immediately singing along with myself:

"Our life together is so precious together..."

Instantly, I could see her smile light up brighter than ever. She was on cloud nine listening to me serenade her, and she was in for more of a treat, as the romance portion settled in as well...

I began to rub her clit a little bit, looking her deep in the eyes as I sang to her and pleasured her at the same time...

"But when I see you darling, it's like we both are falling in love again, I'll be just like starting over..."

"Mmm, John...I want you so bad..."

I nod slightly, entering her at the perfect time and rather fast as it's in my nature to do so.

"Everyday we used to make love, why can't we be making love nice and easy..."

"Oh, fuck, Johnny...oh, you drive me wild..."

I continued to sing the rest of the song in her ear, eliciting many hot moans from her. She kept kicking her legs in the air, craving more, and eventually, as the song came to a close, I felt myself do the same, and I came hard, and so did she.

"Johnny...that was amazing. Such a beautiful song, such a perfect night..."

"All for you, my love..." I kiss her passionately and cuddle into her.

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