Chapter 43: Justice

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Rajveer P.O.V

Finally the doctor came out of the room and stood in front of me and with a tense face said
"Mr. Randhawa we are Sorry. But the situation are not looking good at this moment"

I gave him a blank look and taking it as a go ahead he again started talking

" Your wife have lost a lot of blood due to which saving your child is almost impossible and somehow if we concentrate on saving him or her then saving your wife will be impossible. So we need your decision to whom to save if we get on that situation."

Maybe I think my brain have finally broke because I really am not understanding what is he saying?

Is he asking me to choose between my wife or my child?? He is mad??
How can a person choose between their heart and breathing??

That child which is not even here is my heart to whom I have loved from the moment I came to know about it. And my wife is the sole reason of my breathing. If she is not here I swear I will also loose my line of living.

So how the hell he can ask me that question?


I looked towards Zaid Bhai who was looking at me with a determined face like he knew he will be able to do it. Maybe knowing my doubts he gave me a single nod.
I looked towards the doctor and said
" Save them both.. on any cost them both."
" But sir...!!" I interpreted the doctor and said

" DR. Zaid will do the operation and that's our decision"

Doctor looked towards my father who also gave him the same answer and after that they again went to the room with Zaid bhai with them

Now again we are back to square one. Here the waiting game starts again.

We were waiting for the doctor's when I felt someone sitting beside me and a hand of my shoulder

" She will be fine" Malik said

"It was never supposed to happen!" I replied to him

" Things go wrong and you know it better then others" he replied to me

" But when it comes to family it should not.. and you know it better then me" I said while looking his eyes

He took a deep breath and said " What you want me to do with him? Let it process with legally or?"

I know of whom he is talking about and I also know what he is trying to ask

I closed my eyes and all the events happened in last few months came on front of my eyes starting from our happy moments to the moment where I lost her due to him.

I opened my eyes and looked at him and said with a very serious voice

" Let my family have the justice of what they did to them before they came out of that room. Doesn't matter is legally or..!!"

He got my unsaid message and gave me a nod and left the hospital.

What felt like years were only few hours when doctor again came back but didn't said anything to me and waited for Zaid Bhai to explain me everything.

" Priya and baby both are save but due to excessive blood loss and bullet was shot almost near heart thus we have to take extra care of her this while pregnancy. Even a ouch carelessness can cause a major issue as he body is already weak and having pregnancy will make things more complicate."

The only thing that matter to me on that point was my wife and baby are fine. I will make sure to take extra care of them. Not even a bit of discomfort will be happen to them in my care.

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