breastfeeding your baby (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains moments of breastfeeding and I know that topic might be a little uncomfortable for some people and that's perfectly okay. Please don't read if you don't feel comfortable doing so but if you choose to, I hope you enjoy the many soft moments ahead 💞


The sound of your little girl crying in her nursery across from your' and Mina's room awoke you from your slumber.

You looked over at Mina to see that she was still sound asleep and you didn't want to disturb her so you quietly got out of bed and went into the baby's room.

"Hey, baby." You whispered as you walked over to the crib. "What's the matter?"

You gently lifted her out of the crib and began to try and figure out what was wrong.

"Is someone hungry?" You asked before rubbing her back and shushing her softly. "It's okay, mommy's here."

You walked over to the rocking chair across the room and carefully sat down before you began to feed your tiny daughter.

This is still so new to you, the feeling is still pretty new since your daughter is only a few days old.

Even though you're exhausted and your body is still pretty sore from bringing your' and Mina's baby girl into the world just four days ago, you're enjoying every single second of being a mom.

You stared at your daughter with eyes full of love as she ate.

"You were a hungry girl, weren't you?" You mumbled as you leaned down to kiss her head.

You heard the floorboards creak and footsteps approaching the bedroom before Mina appeared in the doorway.

She yawned and rubbed her tired eyes before sending you a smile.

"You should've woken me up, baby. I would've taken care of her." She said as she walked to you.

"That's very sweet, baby, but unfortunately you can't breastfeed our daughter, only I can." You joked and she shook her head with a smile. "So I would've had to get up at some point regardless. It's all good though. I enjoy these moments."

Mina sat on the floor and put her cheek on your arm as she gazed at your daughter.

"She's so perfect. It still feels so surreal that we're moms, and that we have a precious little daughter. I love her so much."

"I know, me too." You whispered. "I love life with you and our little girl so much already."

"Me too." Mina smiled before kissing your cheek.

She kissed the baby's head softly and then brushed her fingers gently across her forehead.

"Hello, cutie. Look at you. Look at your pretty eyes." She whispered. "Are you eating? Are you enjoying your late-night meal?"

You chuckled.

"You're going to grow up to be so strong with that appetite, huh? You're so cute."

Mina kissed her head once more and then stared at her wordlessly, feeling as though her heart might burst right out of her chest.

It's a familiar feeling, one she's felt many times since meeting and falling in love with you.

But it's gotten so strong and so overwhelming these last few days, starting from watching your little girl enter the world and seeing how strong and amazing you are.

And now, seeing the little baby that you two have been wanting for so long become this tiny little human that gets just a little bigger each day and watching you be the most amazing mother to her as you soak in every second together with her, was almost too much for her heart to handle.

"What are you thinking about, Mina?" You whispered.

"Just how amazing life is and how much I love my girls." She said as she gazed at you. "Look at her. A while ago, she was just a little dream we had and something that we wanted so badly. Then we saw her on the screen for the first time at the ultrasound appointment and she was the size of a blueberry and now she's here and so perfect. I'm just so in love."

"Me too." You said as you kissed her head and then gazed at your daughter. "You're just the cutest little baby ever."

A couple of moments went by before your little girl was done.

You covered back up before handing the baby over to Mina, so she could walk around and soothe her a little more before she'd go back to sleep.

After a few minutes, your little girl was sound asleep.

Mina gently placed her back in her crib before you came to her side and put your arm around her and your head on her shoulder.

"I love you." She whispered and turned to look at you. "Both of you."

"I love you both too." You said and kissed her lips softly before taking her hand and slowly walking back to the bedroom for some cuddles and some more kisses.

Life was so good, so much better than you could ever have dreamt of or imagined.

You can't wait to see what the future holds with your girls, knowing that every second with them is going to be so incredible.

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