we can always try again (requested)

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Author's Note: This chapter contains possibly triggering content. It involves the topic of miscarriage. Please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable. Thank you!


Mina was in practice with the girls for the first time in a couple of weeks.

You recently found out that you're pregnant and you've been pretty sick with all the symptoms that come along with it.

So Mina took some time off to be with you and care for you until you felt okay enough for her to return to work.

"Can we take a break? I need some water and I want to call and check on Y/N." Mina spoke.

"Of course," Jihyo replied.

They all took a seat and Mina reached for her water bottle, only to hear her phone starting to go off.

She reached for it and her eyes lit up when she saw that you were calling.

"Hey, baby! I was just about to call you. How are you feeling?"

She heard you sniffle on the other end of the phone and her heart sank.

Immediately, she knew something was wrong.

"Y/N, baby, what is it?"

"Mina... I-I'm bleeding."

"Is it a lot of blood or only a little?"

"A lot. Mina, something's wrong!"

"Okay, baby, I'm going to call an ambulance and I'll meet you at the hospital, okay? I want to get you there as quickly as possible."

"Okay." You sniffled.

"Call for an ambulance!" She told Dahyun, noticing that all of the girls were staring at her in concern.

Dahyun quickly did as Mina said before she hurried out of practice and to the hospital.

You were being wheeled in when she arrived.

And not long after, you were given the horrible and heart-wrenching news.

You had miscarried.

"I'm so sorry. I'll leave you two alone for a few minutes." The doctor said before leaving the room.

It was a stab to your heart.

Over the last couple of weeks, since you and Mina found out that you were expecting, you had both been so happy.

Things were so bright and the sun always seemed to be shining, but now it seemed like it was gone and would never shine again.

Your heart was shattered and as soon as the doctor left, you burst into tears.

Mina's lower lip trembled and she didn't hesitate to climb into the bed with you, despite there not really being any extra room.

She put her arms around you and pulled you close as you both cried.

"What are we going to do?" You mumbled.

"I don't know." She whispered against your head, a tear slipping down her cheek.

You felt so devastated, an ache so intense that you couldn't put it into words.

You and Mina had been so excited to start your family together and now, all of the dreams you had about the baby were all shattered.

"It really hurts." You sniffled. "I was so happy but now, everything's just... ruined."

"I know." She whispered. "I was too. But it's not anyone's fault, so I don't want you blaming yourself for this, okay?"

You didn't say anything so she gently cupped your cheeks and lifted your head so your eyes would meet hers.

"It is not your fault, baby. Promise me that you know that." She pleaded and watched you nod your head slowly.

"We're never going to have a baby." You said.

"We will, my love. When we're meant to. We can always try again."

You started to sob again and it broke her heart into pieces.

"Don't lose hope, okay? It will happen when it's meant to. But, for now, we have to grieve and understand that it just wasn't meant to be."

She kept a tight grip on you but not one strong enough to hurt you.

"I'm so sorry, Mina."

"Stop it. Don't apologize." She said.

"But I was supposed to keep them safe-"

"And you did, baby. This isn't your fault. It's just one of those things that happen. It's unfair, I know it. But there's no one to blame."

You felt like you could hardly breathe.

Your heart hurt so badly and you just felt so devastated, like nothing could ever heal the pain you felt, not even time.

"What are we going to say? We have to tell the girls and our parents and-"

"We will, baby. In time." She said. "Don't worry about that for now though, okay? Because we can do that in time. For now, I just want you to calm down and stop blaming yourself."

You exhaled shakily, only finding comfort in her.

"Promise that we'll have a baby someday?"

"I promise." She said, kissing your head. "We will, I swear it."

You closed your eyes, hoping that she was right and that, somehow, everything would work out in time.

But, for now, you had to heal.

Your mind, your body, and your heart all had to recover from this heartbreaking loss.

But the good news?

You had Mina by your side every step of the way and you were bound to get through this with her there with you.

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