you save her (requested)

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"Mina! Mina!" You heard the crowd of excited fans scream out in front of you.

You and Mina had been on a walk through the city this evening.

It was beautiful outside and you wanted to get a little fresh air and feel the sun on your shoulders.

But, on your walk, someone recognized her and yelled out her name, and before you both knew it, fans were surrounding you.

You didn't mind all that much.

Sure, your time with Mina was interrupted but you're the lucky one.

You get to spend every single day with her.

Why not stop for twenty minutes for her to spend some time with her fans who absolutely adore her?

You smiled as they showered her with love, giving her tons of compliments and hugs, and the sweet smile on her face didn't fall even once.

But your smile eventually did.

Because you saw someone nearby and they were creeping you out.

They stood off in the back of the crowd of fans with their hood up.

They stared at Mina, not once saying a single word or flashing a smile.

They just... watched her.

They kept their hands in their pockets, which made you even more uncomfortable.

You tried to brush it off, thinking that, perhaps, they were shy and were just waiting for her to notice them before they'd peek up.

But that wasn't the case.

Mina slowly stepped closer and closer to them and your heart sank upon seeing something shiny in their pocket.

They pulled it out slightly, thinking everyone was looking at Mina and no one would notice them pulling at the handle, slowly inching the knife out of their pocket.

They quickly placed it behind their back and you knew that Mina was in serious danger.

"Mina!" You yelled out as she locked eyes with the stranger.

You watched him pull the sharp object out from behind his back as your girlfriend looked over at you in confusion.

And just as he lurched at her, you jumped in front of her to save her from being hurt.

The knife was plunged into your stomach and you let out a sharp, pained gasp as everyone began to panic.

It had gone in deep, causing blood to come from the wound and soak your clothes.

He pulled it out and began to run away as Mina and the fans began to panic.

"Oh, my god! Baby!" She yelled as she gently laid you on the ground.

Tears filled her eyes as she looked at the fans, pleading with them to call for help.

"Call for help!"

"Already on it, Mina!" One fan said, having called the second they saw you injured.

"Same here. Help is coming! They're about seven minutes away!"

Mina took off her hoodie and placed it over your wound, applying pressure as your eyes grew heavy and you whimpered over the pain.

"Don't close your eyes, my love." She pleaded.

But they slipped shut anyway as a heavy exhaustion came over you.

"No, no, baby, don't. Come on, look at me." She said as she used her free hand to cup your cheek. "Open your eyes, Y/N!"

You opened your eyes and stared at her, humming a little.

"That's my girl. There are those beautiful eyes. I need you to keep looking at me. I need you to hang on for me, okay?"

"Okay." You quietly and tiredly said.

"I'm right here with you. Just keep your eyes on me. Help is almost here."

"Is there a lot of blood?" You mumbled. "Mina," You whined.

"Shh," She shushed softly. "No, you're going to be just fine. I'm right here. You're doing so well. Just keep those pretty eyes locked with mine."

"I love you."

"I love you too." She said as a tear fell down her cheek. "You saved me, baby."

She was terrified, her hands shaking as she tried to ignore the blood rushing out.

She just gazed at you, trying to do all she could to get you to stay with her.

She couldn't lose you; not like this, not now, not ever.

You're her everything.

She has so many hopes and dreams for you both, for the future you're supposed to share.

She breathed out a sigh of relief as soon as she heard the sirens.

"You're doing so good, my love. You're so strong." She sniffled. "Just keep focusing on me. Everything's going to be okay, I promise."

You weakly nodded your head, feeling lightheaded and tired from losing so much blood.

Mina continued to keep her eyes locked with yours and give you all the comfort she could, despite how terrified she felt.

"It's going to be okay, darling." She whispered as the ambulance pulled up.

"Promise?" You asked with a shaky breath.

Mina nodded and kissed your hand as more tears fell down her cheeks.

"I promise."

Mina Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now