baths after being intimate (requested)

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Mina pressed a loving kiss to your cheek before sneaking out of bed.

She pulled on a shirt before looking to make sure that you were still sound asleep and a smile pulled at her lips upon seeing that you were still in a deep slumber.

She went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet before the water began coming out.

She made sure that it was warm - not too hot but not too cold - and she made sure it was filled up enough for you both to take a comfortable bath before turning it off.

She made her way back into the bedroom and over to you.

She didn't want to wake you because she knows how exhausted you are after you went at it for so long together tonight but she knew you needed to be cleaned up.

So, gently, she woke you.

"Baby?" She softly spoke as she brushed her fingers across your cheek lovingly. "Are you awake?"

You slowly opened your tired eyes and saw that Mina was staring at you adoringly.

"It's time to take a bath. Let's get into it before it gets cold." She spoke before helping you up.

You got out of bed, walking your still nude and tired body into the bathroom as Mina followed behind you.

You got into the water before Mina got in and she pulled you close, your back against her chest.

A contented sigh left your lips as she kissed your cheek and brushed her hands across your skin.

"Are you okay? Did you have a good sleep?"

"Yeah. How long was I out for?" You asked.

"About a half hour. I tried to let you rest but we needed to wash up quickly and then we can get back into bed for the night to get some more sleep. Okay?"

"Okay." You said with a small, tired smile.

You craned your neck so you could kiss her lips softly and then you laid your head against her shoulder.

You closed your eyes as her fingers delicately brushed against your thighs, almost near the spots she touched earlier when you were intimate.

"I love you so much." She whispered softly.

"I love you too." You quietly spoke back to her.

She was so tempted to bring you over the edge once again but she knows how tired you already are so she decided against it, telling herself to do it again tomorrow instead.

You could barely keep your eyes open, you just felt exhausted.

But you managed to keep yourself awake.

She poured some shampoo in her hands and ran it through your hair before finding it out and then doing the same with some conditioner.

She washed your body, running the cloth against your skin softly and gently.

It made you smile a little as she, yet again, made you feel so loved and cared for.

"Feel nice?"

"Yes." You sleepily spoke. "You always make me feel so happy."

She kissed your shoulder softly and you let out a contented hum before opening your eyes.

"Your turn." You said before washing her hair and body for her, making sure to give her the same amount of care she gave you.

You shared a few soft kisses and then stayed in her arms with your eyes closed until the water started to turn cold.

"Ready to get out, my love?"

You nodded before getting out of the bath.

Mina wrapped a towel around you and drained the water before leading you into the bedroom.

She grabbed one of her hoodies for you to wear and you happily put it on before laying down.

She put a shirt on before climbing into bed beside you.

She gently ran her fingers through your hair, careful not to run them through the tangled strands, before you drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, baby; more than you'll ever know."

"I love you too, baby." You spoke back to her as you rested your head on her shoulder, falling asleep all cozy and warm in her embrace.

Mina Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now