finding out that you're subscribed to only her bubble (requested)

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Mina was laying in bed scrolling through your phone while you were downstairs grabbing some snacks for the two of you to share as you get ready to binge-watch a new show together.

She's on your phone because hers is currently charging as she just got home from practice a few minutes ago.

She was curious about what app she wanted to scroll through next as she's spent the last few minutes looking through what was trending on Twitter.

She spotted the bubble app icon and curiously tapped on it.

She didn't think you had the app because you've never mentioned it to her before so she had the feeling that there was probably something on there that you didn't want her to see.

She, of course, was going to find it out though.

She was determined to.

She thought, perhaps, you might be subscribed to someone else's bubble, like Jihyo's.

But, to her surprise, you were only subscribed to one and it was hers.

Her eyes lit up when she saw that you were subscribed to her bubble and no one else's.

Even though you've been together for a while and she probably shouldn't be this surprised to see it, something about it just melted her heart.

She scrolled up to see if you've ever left any messages to her and to her surprise, you have sent her hundreds upon hundreds.

They must've just gotten lost in the void and buried underneath all the others.

She couldn't help but smile over what she was reading.

All of your messages were so touching and loving, basically just you being her biggest and most supportive fan in the world.

She giggled over a few of them and the sound worried you a little as you entered the room and saw your phone still in her hand.

"Are you watching funny videos or something?"

"Not exactly." She replied before showing you your phone screen as you sat down beside her. "Just reading the adorable messages that you sent me on Bubble."

"Mina!" You groaned and watched her laugh a little harder.

"Oh, come on, they're cute! Seriously, you're my biggest fan."

"You should know that already." You said as you playfully pushed her shoulder.

"And you can't help but tell me how pretty I am, can you?"

"No. Because you're gorgeous and you deserve to know that."

She smiled before kissing your lips softly.

"I never wanted you to see this. I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be. It's really sweet." She smiled. "It makes me happy knowing that you're only subscribed to my bubble and that you send me such loving messages. I feel bad  that I never saw them but I guess they just got lost because of everyone else's."

She smiled at you, her eyes brighter than you've ever seen before.

She was truly over the moon about you being one of her sweetest and most supportive subscribers.

"Here." She said as she handed your phone back to you and grabbed hers.

You didn't think much of it.

You just locked it and loaded up the show that you're going to watch together.

But your phone suddenly chimed with a notification from Mina's bubble.

You side-eyed her for a second before opening it and saw a message on there that you knew was directed towards you, despite her using the Y/N function.

"Y/N, you're just so cute."

"Mina," You whined as she typed another message out.

"My girl is subscribed to me, everyone! Not anyone else, just me!"

She was bragging about it, secretly hoping that the girls would see and feel a little jealous, considering how close you are with them.

She set her phone down and pulled you into her arms.

"Love you, my girl." She said as she kissed your forehead.

"Love you too." You said, knowing that all of her teasing was just in good fun.

But still, she'd probably brag to the girls later on and tell them that you're only subscribed to her bubble and that her content was the only content you were interested in seeing.

Because you're just so in love.

Mina Imagines - book two (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now