Part 37.

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Celin goes out to the kitchen so that she can start making dinner and me Becky and Ros just carry on talking for a while. I knew I would have to wake Ellie up sooner or later but she just looks so peaceful and I don't want to disturb that, because she's had a very long day.
"Dinner's done girls, come out when you're ready" Celin shouts from the kitchen.
"Good luck waking that one up Grace" Becky laughs as her and Ros get up.
"Yeah cheers girls" I laugh back. "Ellie baby, you need to wake up for me, Cel made dinner"
"Hmm, I'm tired" Ellie mumbles, half asleep.
"I know baby but I need you to try and eat something for me" "Okay I'll try, only for you though" "Okay come on then baby" I say as we get up and make out way into Celin's kitchen where the others are already sitting, waiting for us.
"Oh you managed to wake sleeping beauty" Becky says, laughing.
"Leave me alone" Ellie whines, hiding in my shoulder.
"Just sit down and eat, and stop being children" Celin laughs before putting the plates on the table and sitting down herself and starting to eat.

I sit down next to her and then Ellie slowly sits next to me, clearly wanting to be back asleep and not wanting to eat, but also knowing that after todays events that she would have to. I notice that Celin had given her a slightly smaller portion compared to what she gave the rest of us to I look at her across the table and mouth a thank you, gesturing towards Ellie, Celin seems to understand, nodding at me and smiling before going back to her dinner and joining on the conversation that Becky and Rosella were having. I dip in and out of the conversation, making sure to keep an eye on Ellie as well to make sure that she is at least trying to eat a bit. "Well done, I'm so proud of you baby" I lean over to her to whisper in her ear, just loud enough for her to hear, she acknowledges that she did hear me before eating a bit more. She didn't eat everything on her plate but she did eat most of it and even the fact that she tried makes me extremely proud of her. We all finish eating and then decide to sit back in the living room so that we can carry on talking for a bit longer before Becky and Ros decide to make their way home. "Do you want to stay round here tonight baby" I ask Ellie, assuming she doesn't particularly want to go home after how her and Molly left things earlier. "If that's okay with you and Celin" She responds "Well you know that I want you to stay, I want to spend as much time with you as I can" "You're always welcome to stay Elles" Celin adds. "Thanks Cel" Ellie says as Celin sits down on the other sofa that me and Ellie are not on. We just end up watching some random football match that was on, well I say we, me and Celin were watching it, Ellie just fell asleep on me again, she's been sleeping a lot recently, not that it is a problem, I just want to make sure she is okay so I make sure to make a note to mention something about it to her later. The match we were watching finishes and then me and Celin just talk for a while until her fiancé gets back from his training (a/n: I know her fiancé plays in France but for this just pretend for this he doesn't, also no hate to him I just have an idea for the story) he walks in and says hi to Celin and me before noticing that Ellie is here as well "Cel can I have a word quickly please?" He asks her before they walk out the room to talk about whatever, I thought he seemed a bit off but I don't think too much of it, that is until I start to hear a lot of shouting coming from the other room. I don't want to go in because I don't want to get in the way of their argument but when I hear what I think is someone getting shoved over, I decide to ignore my original intentions so I move Ellie off my lap and make my way to the kitchen where the shouting was coming from, however when I open the door I saw something that I never expected I would have seen, Celin was sat down, holding her face, where there was blood pouring out, Aron on the other hand was just standing there watching, not even looking like he wanted to help her. Without thinking I run to Celin and start to ask her what happened when I notice Aron gives Celin a look "Oh I just fell over, nothing to worry about" "Cel you're bleeding, at least let me check it and clean it up fo-" "I'm going out, I'll be back later" Aron interrupts before storming out the house. "Right Cel what actually happened because I think we both know that you didn't actually fall over" "I can't, he'll do something to you or Ellie" Celin stutters out, crying her eyes out. "So it was him, look Cel, you can't let this happen, why did he do it?" "He said that he thinks I like you and Ellie over him, which I mean I kind of do, he's become so toxic recently" "We need to get you out of here, it isn't safe" "I can't just leave" "Yes you can, I'm going to call Beth and ask her if we can stay there, I'm not letting my best friend get hurt" As I said this, the door opens and Ellie walks in, still waking up but clearly confused as to why we were both gone when she woke up. "We- what the fuck happened Cel" "Don't worry Elles, I'm going to be fine" "Yeah, but we are all going to go stay round Beth's house tonight" I add into the conversation. "Oh ok, why?" Ellie asks, clearly still concerned about Celin "Don't worry El" I respond back as I finish cleaning up and dressing Celin's cut. We walk out the kitchen and I tell Celin to go sit down and rest whilst I go to get us the things we will need to stay round Beth's for the night before making my way back downstairs to Ellie and Celin. "Right you two ready to go?" I ask as I walk into the living room to see them both sat on the sofa talking to each other, they say they're ready and then we make our way out to the car and I drive us to Beth's. 

a/.n: Hope you enjoyed :)

How are you my mum?!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora