Part 7.

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Ellie: We'll Alice the thing is, Shannon and Emilia want to foster and possibly adopt me!
Alice: No way that's amazing baby come here (hugs Ellie)
Ellie: (Winces a bit because of her arms) sorry I'm overreacting.
Alice: It's ok why did that hurt so much, wait are you, you know doing it again?
Ellie: I did a bit but I'm not going to anymore.
Alice: Oh baby if you ever feel like doing it again come to me or call me no matter the time and I will be there for you ok? Are you still going to carry on talking to Molly?
Ellie: Yeah of course I'm still going to talk to her. Look I'm just going to go get my bag and then I think I'll go back to Shannon and Emilia cause I don't think I can face that lot in there for too long.
Alice: Ok baby but can I have a kiss first?
Ellie: (kisses Alice) Answer your question gorgeous?
Alice: Perfectly baby.
*They walk back in the room*
Jessica: Oh look who's come back probably from crying to herself in the toilets seen as she has no one else.
Ellie: (Ignores her) (walks back out)
Jessica: Sir please may I go to the toilet?
Mr Thomas: Yes ok but be quick please.
Jessica: (walks out) Hey Ellie you know what I think Molly might be your mum you know.
Ellie: What are you talking about?
Jessica: Did I say you could speak? No so shut it. Anyway it makes sense I mean why would someone that talented want you so if anyone is your mum it would be her.
Ellie: (runs away and knocks on the door)
Emilia: Hey- (Ellie collapses in her arms crying) wait what happened it's ok I'm here.
Ellie: I c-c-an't b-b-b-r-r-eathe.
Emilia: It's ok I'm going to walk you through everything I do before I do it ok (Ellie nods) so first I'm going to put your hand on my heart and then I want you to follow my breaths ok.
*10 minutes later*
Ellie: Thank you Em. Sorry I shouldn't have called you that Emilia I'm sorry.
Emilia: No it's fine you can call me Em it's sweet.
Shannon: What happened Ellie are you ok?
Ellie: Can you tell her Em I feel really tired and drained.
Emilia: Of course. Umm so I'm not one hundred percent sure but Elles knocked on the door and was having a bit of an anxiety attack and I've just managed to calm her down.
Shannon: Right ok well I've just got back from one being on the phone to your social worker and we can sign everything to foster you later tonight and also I've been to see the head and said we have family issues so he said we can leave when we want. I think we need to get this one home.
Hearing her mentions home made me stiffen up and start crying again but I was soon brought out of my thoughts with a pair of hands on my shoulders.
Emilia: It's ok we meant back to ours when we said home. You never have to go back to that house again.
Ellie: (just hugs Emilia so tight) how did you know?
Emilia: I can read you quite well. Anyway shall we get going I think someone needs a bit of a rest.
We walk out in silence but a comfortable silence and when we get in the car I get in the back but as I'm expecting Emilia to get in the front with Shannon she got in the back next to me.
Emilia: You can lay down on me if you want and try and get some rest we have a bit of a journey.
Ellie: Ok you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable.
Emilia: I wouldn't of offered if I didn't mean it.
I lied down on her lap and then she started stroking my hair which quite surprisingly really soothed me and sent me off to sleep. The next thing I know I was woken up by someone carrying me into a house.
Ellie: Oh Em you didn't have to carry me you could've woken me up.
Emilia: You just looked so peaceful sleeping and I thought you deserved some rest.
Shannon: So we were thinking that today for the rest of the afternoon we could just like maybe watch some films and chill on the sofa and maybe get a takeaway. And then maybe tomorrow if you want we could go shopping for some new clothes and stuff for you.
Ellie: Chilling out today sounds amazing but you don't need to buy me anything you're already doing way too much for me.
Emilia: But we want to get you stuff and plus you deserve so much. But let's just think about what snacks we want with the films.
Shannon: You go sit down in there and get comfortable Elles we'll be in soon.
*in the kitchen*
Shannon: She really thinks she's not worth anything doesn't she (crying a bit)
Emilia: She been through a lot but that's what we need to do is to prove to her what she really means and that she deserves the world. (Hugs) ok so let's go in there and spend some time with her.
Emilia: Hey Elles what do you want to watch?
Ellie: (looks up from phone blushing) oh what umm I don't mind.
Shannon: Who's got you blushing Mrs, got a boyfriend?
Ellie: Not exactly a boyfriend I bet you'd like to know who.
Emilia: A girlfriend? We certainly would, anyone we know?
Ellie: We'll the girlfriend bit is right (flinches)
Emilia: Why are you flinching it's fine for you to have a girlfriend or a boyfriend for that matter.
Ellie: Sorry it's just- well it's stupid really.
Emilia: Is it about your old foster parents?
Ellie: Yeah but I don't really want to talk about them if it's ok.
Emilia: Of course you don't have to talk about them but anyway who is it?
Ellie: Well it's Alice.
Shannon: I'm so happy for you I knew you two would get together.
Emilia: I'm so happy for you. You deserve this. Can I hug you?
Ellie: Yeah of course you can (hugs Emilia and Shannon also joins in) thank you for everything guys.
Emilia: It's our pleasure and I think I'm speaking for both of us when I say we're going to love having you round.
We then decide on a film and we decide to watch up before ordering pizza and then watching all of the hunger games which i fall asleep through a lot. After this I'm asleep and that's when it starts to happen again.

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