Part 15.

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️
*With Alice and Ellie*

Alice: So babe what did Molly want?

Ellie: Oh to tell me some big news.

Alice: Can I know this big news?

Ellie: Umm yeah. Molly is my mum.

Alice: Omg I'm so happy for you I knew it. Are you two going to get to know each other more?

Ellie: Yeah I think we are!
Alice: I'm so happy for you. I love you so much babe. *Kisses Ellie*

Ellie: I love you too baby. *kisses back* Shall we go back over?

Alice: Yeah let's go. *They walk back over*

Emilia: So Elles we were talking to Molly and we've arranged for you two to go out together tomorrow if that's ok with you.

Ellie: Yeah of course. *Very smiley and happy*

Molly: Well I have to go now but I'll see you tomorrow Ellie.

Ellie: See you tomorrow. *Ellie and Molly hug*

I still can't quite believe it, this morning I had no parents and never thought I'd meet them, and now I know who my mum is and she wants to be back in my life.

Shannon: Hey Elles you ok there, look very deep in thought.

Ellie: Yeah just thinking, a lot has happened today.

Shannon: It must be a lot to process. Want to go home and watch a film?

Ellie: Yeah can Alice come round and watch with us?

Emilia: Of course if it's ok with her parents.

Alice: I'll ask them now *she texts them*

*They all just get back to the car*

Alice: They said I can and just to let them know when I'm coming home.

Emilia: Ok let's go. Shall we stop and get some snacks and just have a chill afternoon?

Ellie: Sounds good to me.

I'm just sitting thinking when I feel a hand on my thigh. I jump a bit.

Alice: Sorry I didn't mean to scare you babe.

Ellie: No worries I was just in a world of my own baby.

*They get to the shops and Emilia and Shannon get out and Alice and Ellie are sitting in the car*

Ellie: Alice baby I love you so much. *Ellie leans her head on Alice's shoulder*

Alice: Aww babe I love you too but what's this about? *hugs Ellie*

Ellie: Just want a hug from my girlfriend. Is that not allowed?

Alice: No I love it just making sure you're ok.

*Skip to when they have just got home*

Emilia: Right you two go get in to something more comfortable and we'll get the snacks ready.


Ellie: What do you want to wear then baby?

Alice: Nothing it's fine babe.

Ellie: No come on I want you to be comfortable.

Alice: You sure?

Ellie: Yeah of course baby. *chucks Alice a hoodie and some joggers* They ok?

Alice: Perfect thank you babe.

Ellie: Not as perfect as you baby. *smirks*

Alice: Come here you. *hugs Ellie tight*

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