Part 21.

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Billie: You ok Elles?

Ellie: Yeah I'm ok.

Billie: Ok cool, now let's get on with this.

Emilie: Right let's start with some shooting and set piece training.

Rach: Ooooh good luck with this one shooting at you Brookie *puts her arm around Ellie*

Brooke: Thanks I think I'm going to need it.

Ellie: I'm not that good guys.

Millie: You really are Elles.

Ellie: Thanks guys.

Emilie: Right let's do penalties first I think, so Brooke in goal and take it in turns. Who's going first?

Millie: I'll go first. *places the ball into the spot and takes a run up but Brooke manages to save it*

*everyone else has a go and Brooke manages to save them all*

Billie: Go on Elles you got this.

Ellie: I'll try my best, *puts the ball down and look right down the middle of the goal, takes her run up and smashes the ball into the top left hand corner*

Brooke: Wow! No words for this girl.

Rach: Billie no offence but I think Ellie might have to be our new penalty taker.

Billie: Oh I completely agree, she's insane.

Ellie: Thanks guys, I'm not that good.

Millie: Stop putting yourself down, you're the best player here.

Ellie: Not so sure about that.

*you do more training and then you're all going to get lunch but everyone is very excited cause you'll be eating lunch at the same time as the seniors*

Billie: Elles, do you reckon you could introduce us to some of the girls?

Ellie: Oh so that's the real reason you're all friends with me, I see how it is *laughs*

Brooke: Of course that's not the only reason.

Ellie: I was only joking, I know you guys aren't like that.

Millie: Good cause we're not!

Ellie: I was wondering, I mean I'll have to check with mum first, but would you guys like to come round mine for a sleepover tonight?

Millie: Sorry I can't be we should totally soon

Rach: I wish I could but I'm going to see family sorry

Billie and Brooke: We'd love to, as long as your mum is OK with it.

Ellie: I'll check now, be back in a sec. *walks over to Molly* hey mum.

Molly: Hey darling you OK?

Ellie: Yeah but I was just wondering if I could have a sleepover with a couple of my friends? If not it's totally fine.

Molly: Of course you can darling, as long as their parents are OK with it.

Ellie: Thanks mum, I better go back now so I can eat lunch before we go back.

Molly: OK are you going to be finished before us later?

Ellie: What time does yours finish?

Molly: Half four.

Ellie Oh then yes, we finish at half three.

Molly: OK if your friends are coming then just come up to the pitch we're on and you guys can have a kick about or something.

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