Part 13.

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⚠️Trigger warning: sh, Ed, rape⚠️
About half an hour later Em has just woken up. We are all just sitting on the sofa when I get a message from Alice, something I absolutely love to see at anytime.

Alice🫶🏻🫶🏻: Hey Buba how are you today? X
Ellie: Hey Bubs I'm good how are you? X
Alice🫶🏻🫶🏻: I'm great thank you. Can't wait to see you later. Have you spoken to Molly? X
Ellie: I was just about to text her but she beat me to it. I've just got a message from her. X
Alice🫶🏻🫶🏻: Ok Buba I'll see you later yeah. Is Em and Shan still ok to pick me up and take me with you? X
Ellie: Of course they're fine with it Bubs. Ok I'll see you later. Love you lots. X
Alice🫶🏻🫶🏻: Love you too Buba. X
*End of message*

Molly❤️: Hey can't wait to see you later I may have someone who wants to meet you and I also have something quite big to tell you that I need to tell you. X
Ellie: Can't wait to see you either. Who's this special someone? And nothing bad I hope. X
Molly❤️: No no don't worry nothing bad. I'll see you later yeah. Love you x
Ellie: Love you too. See you later. X
*end of messages*

Molly's pov:
I woke up really early this morning. It was really annoying but I know why, I'm going to tell Ellie today but first I need to tell Eve. And she's just woken up so I turn over to say morning to her.
Molly: Hey Eve how did you sleep bubs?
Eveliina (Eve): I slept well thank you but I know you didn't and I know you've been awake for ages, what's on your mind buba?
Molly: How do you know me so well? But yeah there is something.
Eve: Talk to me, I'm here for you.
Molly: It's a long story but today at the match someone who is very special to me is going to be there and I have to tell her why she's so special to me but I'm nervous for her reaction.
Eve: Ok ok slow down you're talking very quickly (chuckles) but it's ok. Who is this mystery person anyway?
Molly: So it's a bit of a long story and I am very sorry for not telling you before. So it happened when I was 14 I was with this boy and I knew there was something not right about the relationship not only with him being weird but also that I just wasn't happy. But I stayed with him because it made my mum happy thinking I was with someone because I was obviously going through everything that happened, then I was round his house one night and he had been drinking because he thought it made him look cool and he didn't even ask he just started taking mine and his own clothes off and I tried to stop him but he was way too strong and then (crying at this point) well 9 months later I had a beautiful baby girl. But please don't judge me for the next bit or any of this please I had no choice.
Eve: I could never judge you or look at you differently. I love you and that will never change. (Holding Mollys hand)
Molly: I didn't want to give her up but I had to, I was only 15 I was going through the eating disorder and self harm, I couldn't look after myself let alone a little baby. But I've regretted it for everyday of my life. You see this tattoo on my wrist, that's her name and date of birth. I got it as soon as I turned 18. Well I found her the other day at the game and we got talking and I've managed to get her and her friend season tickets and I think I have to tell her today.
Eve: Buba you are so strong, you've been through so so much and I think that it'll be great to tell her. Can I meet her at some point?
Molly: Of course you can meet her. Oh look at the time we have to get up or we'll be late. And you know what Shelina gets like when we're late (laughs)
Eve: Oh yeah she does not like that (starts to get up)
*they get ready and then they leave to get to the training ground and onto the bus.*
Rosella: Wow you two aren't late today there's a first time for everything. (Laughs)
Molly: Hey that's not fair we are never the last ones here that's always becks.
Becky (Becks): Hey I was here early today I'll have you know.
Rehanne: Right everyone on the bus please we've got a match to win. (Everyone cheers)
Molly: (quietly so only Eve can hear) I'm scared to tell her Eve what is she going to think about me I asked her last match and she said she was in care and her parents must not have wanted her.
Eve: Everything is going to be ok now shall we go win for her?
Molly: Yeah. Let's do this.
*end of pov*

A/n: sorry for lack of updates I am trying. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading as always.

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