Part 3.

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Nothing happened for the rest of the day me and Alice just chilled and watched some films in her room and stuff. It's about 11 now and we're just going to bed.
Alice: (wraps arm around a now asleep Ellie) I'm gonna make sure we find your real mum and if we don't I'm gonna protect you, I love you Elles.
Ellie: (Half asleep) I love you too I've wanted to tell you for ages.
Alice: Hey Elles can I ask you something?
Ellie: (Sits up) Sure Alice what's up?
Alice: Will you Ellie Bartrip be my girlfriend?
Ellie: Omg Alice yes of course I will.
Alice: Omg yes Elles I love you I thought you were going to say no for a second then!
Ellie: How could I ever say no to you beautiful?
Alice: You're the beautiful one Elles. Shall we go to sleep now?
Ellie: Only if I can stay here instead of going in my own bed.
Alice: Of course you can baby want a cuddle too?
Ellie: Of course gorgeous (snuggles into Alice)
Alice: Night baby I love you.
Ellie: Night babe love you too.

*the next morning*
Alice: Morning sleepy head. How did you sleep?
Ellie: The best I have in a long time babe, and you, how did you sleep?
Alice: I slept very well thanks.
I can't believe what's happened in the past 24 hours I've been taken out of the hell house I was in, I met Molly and I've got a beautiful new girlfriend. Right now I couldn't be happier.
Alice: Right I really don't want to move from here but unfortunately we do have school so we have to move.
Ellie: Oh but I was comfortable and warm.
Alice: Well you'll have to wait til later and we can cuddle then ok.
Ellie: Ok babe, oh shit it's non-uniform day today but all I have is that spurs shirt you gave me yesterday and the pair of shorts I wore.
Alice: You can wear some of my clothes. How about we play a game?
Ellie: Depends what the game is (gets worried)
Alice: It's nothing to worry about it's ok we don't have to but it's that we pick each others outfits for the day.
Ellie: No that sounds great I'm sorry that just what my foster parents used when they'd you know.
Alice: It's absolutely fine you don't have to apologise.
We pick out each others outfits and as usual Alice does a better job than me. She knows me so well. For me she chooses a pair of Nike shorts, a white Nike t-shirt and a hoodie which I know for a matter of fact is her favourite one and one which she wears most of the time. For her I picked out some Nike pro leggings because I know she gets cold legs easily which funnily enough is the opposite of me as I can wear shorts all year round and not be cold, a blue adidas t-shirt and a green and white hoodie. We get dressed and I see Alice has done her classic of putting the hoodie over her shoulders and not actually putting it on. She looks so good and it's then that I realise just how lucky I am to have her as what used to be just a friend but now as my girlfriend.
Ellie: You look amazing babe.
Alice: Not as amazing as you do baby. You ready to go downstairs now?
Ellie: Yeah cool let's go.
But just as we get to the top of the stairs I saw someone at the door I thought I'd never have to see again and hoped I'd never have to see again.
Tony: Let me see her. She's my daughter.
Jane: No she's not and you never treated her like it anyway.
Tony: Well we will get her back one way or another you mark my words (storms off to his car and drives off)
Ellie: (frozen at the top of the stairs)
Alice: Elles breathe for me here it's ok he's gone we won't let them do anything to you ok? Now sit down and put your hand on my heart so you can follow my breaths ok?
Ellie: (5 minutes later and is a lot calmer now) Thanks Alice that really helped.
Alice: It's ok now do you think you can go to school or do you need the day off?
Ellie: No I want to come into school. I need to show off my amazing outfit you made. (Laughs slightly)
Alice: Ok come on we'll get mum to drop us off.
Jane: You girls ready?
Alice: Yeah I think so.
Jane: Ok so I'll drop you off, then I want to go talk to your head of year or someone so they know why Ellie might be a bit quiet today and to when it no doubt happens, not to let them anywhere near you. And I'll pick you up when school ends. Don't you finish early today?
Alice: Yeah we finish at 12 cause it's the last day of term.
Ellie: Thank you Jane for doing all this stuff with them for me you really didn't have to.
Jane: You don't need to thank me any decent human would do something. Now go have fun and I'll see you both after.
Alice: (They get out the car) So have you heard any more from Molly?
Ellie: I wanted to tell you that but I'll tell you later when there isn't so many people around.

A/n: So I'm back this one wasn't meant to be this long but I got carried away a bit so I hope you enjoy. I'll try get another part for both stories I'm writing out today if not definitely tomorrow. As always let me know what you think.

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