Part 8.

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⚠️trigger warning⚠️
Im alone in the house, well at least I thought I was. Im just laying on my bed, well mattress that's on the floor. When all of a sudden I hear the all to familiar sound of my foster dad shouting for me to go downstairs. Now most people would probably think nothing of a parent shouting up to their child right? It's a normal thing, but not with my foster parents, when I'm shouted down that's when I know I'm in for it. I want to hide up here but that'll just make it worse for me when he finds me so I decide to just be brave and take what he has for me. I walk downstairs and my stomach instantly drops when I hear the sound of all his friends in the living room, this won't be good not good at all. I walk into the room and I'm immediately greeted with a slap.
Tony(dad): That's for not being down here and me having to call you.
Great another black eye I'll have to cover up after this it's all just a blur but I remember one hit rea-
Emilia: Elles Elles wake up what happened are you ok?
Ellie: C-C-C-an't b-b-r-reathe.
Emilia: Ok put your hand on my chest again and breathe with me ok? (5 minutes or so later) You ok now?
Ellie: I'll be fine thank you Em.
Emilia: It's my pleasure, now do you think you can go back to sleep or do you want to talk or watch tv.
Ellie: I don't mind but I need to say I'm sorry.
Emilia: Why are you sorry?
Ellie: For waking you up, sorry for coming in to your lives like this and probably getting in the way of your relationship with Shan, but most of all I'm sorry for being so broken and useless. Like look you stayed down here with me when you could've gone up to bed with Shan I'm already messing everything up and I haven't even been here for a whole day yet. (Starts to cry)
Emilia: Elles come here come here it's ok I've got you. Let's wipe them tears away, and the thing is Ellie you have nothing to be sorry for firstly don't worry about waking me up I was still awake anyway but even if you did wake me up that would've been fine as long as you're ok, next don't worry about me and Shan that's our job and you aren't getting in the way we love you and having you around, also you aren't broken or useless you've just been through a lot and are in the recovery stages and about me staying down here with you, I offered to. So you have nothing to be sorry for. Now do you want to talk about what happened?
Ellie: (shakes her head) can I just go to bed please?
Emilia: Of course you can let's take you up there. Will you be ok on your own?
Ellie: Probably not but I'm sure I'll be fine.
Emilia: No it's ok I'll stay with you if you want.
Ellie: No I couldn't ask you to do that.
Emilia: You're not I'm offering.
Ellie: Only if you're sure.
Emilia: Of course let me just go get changed then I'll be back in just a second. (Walks out)
Shannon: Hey bubs where's Elles? (Sleepy)
Emilia: In her room but I'm going to sleep in there with her because she had a really bad nightmare and she's terrified I can tell.
Shannon: Aww bless her. Do you want to bring her in here? There's more room.
Emilia: Sure I'll go get her one sec. (Walks back) hey Elles do you want to come in here Shan offered and there's much more room.
Ellie: If you're both sure.
Emilia: Of course we're sure. Come on let's go.
Shannon: Come here Elles, are you ok now?
Ellie: I'm a bit better thanks.
Shannon: Good to hear come on you can get in.
I get into bed and I'm immediately squashed in a sandwich between Em and Shan both hugging me tight. It's weirdly comforting and before I know it I'm drifting back off to sleep.
Emilia: (whispers) Shan are you still awake?
Shannon: (whispers) Yeah what's up Em?
Emilia: I think we've got ourselves in more than we thought we had.
Shannon: Yeah it's going to be hard but I'm not giving up on her.
Emilia: Me neither we have to protect her now.
Shannon: Yeah we will. (Ellie starts shaking)
Emilia: I think she's having another nightmare this is what happened before. Elles Elles wake up for me.
Ellie: (crying) I can't do this anymore I can't.
Emilia: It's ok it's ok we're here.
Ellie: What am I doing here? I'm already getting in the way of everything. (Goes to get up)
Emilia: No you're not going anywhere. Come here (hugs Ellie tight) let me tell you something ok, you are not in the way at all we both love you and love having you here.
Shannon: Em's right Elles we could never see you as being in the way.
Emilia: Now Elles what would you like to do. Do you want to go back to sleep or go downstairs and watch tv or something like that?
Ellie: Can I just go downstairs and watch some tv?
Shannon: Ok then let's go down. Em you coming?
Emilia: Yeah I'm coming.
Ellie: I can go down on my own it's ok.
Emilia: No we want to come with you.
Ellie: Only if you're both sure.
We go down and I go to sit on a chair a little bit away from the sofa so that Shannon and Emilia can sit together.
Emilia: Where are you going Elles?
Ellie: Oh I thought I'd sit over here so you two could sit together.
Emilia: No come here we can all sit together.
Shannon: You're part of the family now Elles we're all in it together.
I move over and sit down in the gap in between them and although I still feel bad they were never going to take no for an answer.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it I'm loving writing this. I know it's a bit long and that Ellie hasn't found out her mum yet but I didn't want to rush it so I thought this was a good idea. As always let me know what you think.

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