Part 24.

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Becky: Right I know it's only training but come on we all know we want to win it. On three, one, two, three.

Everyone: SPURS!!

Everyone gets into position and the match starts,
5' 1-0 Becks' team, a beautiful goal from Ellie, Ella had no chance in getting that one.
Half time 1-0 Becks'
59' last minute of the game and Ellie is through again but Molly manages to get the ball off Ellie but sends her down in the process inside the penalty area.

I don't think anyone truly realised how bad of a challenge it was from Molly, they were all telling me I had to take the penalty while I was trying to tell them I couldn't because I had a pain going all the way across my ankle where Molly had caught me, Eleanor was the first to notice I wasn't actually ok.

Ella: Guys, stop telling each other who is going to take the penalty.

Celin: Why what's wrong?

Ella: Ellie, she's properly injured.

Amy: *Runs and sits next to you* Can you hear me Elles? *Ellie nods* Ok what hurts?

Ellie: *crying* M-My ankle.

Amy: It's going to be ok, I'm going to take your boot off, it may hurt a bit ok kiddo.

Haz: It's ok kiddo, you can hold my hand while she does it if you want.

*Amy takes your boot off and it really hurts but she then takes your sock off which hurts even more, causing you to scream*

Ellie: Where's m-m-mum?

Haz: Molly, Elles wants you.

Molly: I am so sorry darling.

Ellie: You were the one who tackled me? How could you do that?

Molly: I'm sorry, it was completely miss timed.

Ellie: Go away, you'll just hurt me again.

Eve: *Molly runs off* Ellie how could you say that? *Runs off to find Molly*

Ellie: *Just cries*

Amy: It's going to be ok, you have lost quite a bit of blood though, can I pick you up and take you to the medical room?

Ellie: Yeah.

*Amy picks you up and takes you inside, closely followed by Haz*

Haz: We won't leave your side ok?

Ellie: I think I messed up with mum.

Amy: It will all be ok, now you're going to have to be brave, this might hurt a bit.

*The medics check your ankle, you have lost a lot of blood, but your ankle is also broken*

Ellie: H-how long will I not be able to play for?

Medic: At least 3 months.

Ellie: *Just cries*

Amy: Hey kiddo it's going to be ok, you'll get through this.

Ellie: It's not that.

Haz: What's up then darling?

Ellie: Where am I supposed to go? Mum isn't going to want me now.

Amy: I'm sure that's not true, but if it is, you can stay with us.

Haz: Yeah of course you can, shall we go try and find Molly though?

Ellie: Yes please.

Amy: Ok here you go *hands you your crutches* take your time.

*After looking for what felt like ages you finally find Molly and Eve together*

Ellie: Mum I ju-

Molly: No don't you mum me, you made it very clear that you didn't want to talk to me.

Ellie: Please, I was just angry in the moment, I know you wouldn't mean to hurt me.

Molly: Well maybe you're wrong, I'm glad I left you as a child and I wish I had of never found you again.

*Ellie leaves the room as quickly as she could*

Amy: What is wrong with you?

Haz: Leave it, we need to go make sure Ellie is ok.

*Haz and Amy leave, but because there was the rest of the team in the room they all heard*

Rosella: How could you say that Molly, you're her mum, you didn't even ask what her injury was.

*Everyone agrees with Rosella and leaves the room to find you*

*With you*
I can't believe she just said that, I thought she loved me, I should've known it was all a lie.

Amy: Darling, don't listen to her, I'm so sorry she said that.

Ellie: The whole team heard as well.

Rosella: It's ok, we're all on your side, she has no right, how's the ankle?

Ellie: It's broken and I won't be able to play for at least 3 months.

Shelina: Well you have all of us to help you through it, doesn't she girls?

Everyone: Yeah of course.

Haz: Does everyone still want to come round ours later?

Everyone: Yeah sounds good.

Haz: Ok see you soon. Right kiddo, let's get you home.

Amy: Don't worry about being slow, just make sure you're ok.

Ellie: Thank you.

Amy: What for darling?

Ellie: Being so kind to me.

Amy: Of course darling.

*Skip to later and all the girls have just arrived*

Ellie: Want me to get the door?

Haz: No you stay there, I'll get it.

Shelina: Hey little one, you ok?

Ellie: I'm in a bit of pain but better thanks.

Amy: We we're thinking of just putting some films on and then ordering pizza.

Rosella: Sounds good.

*Everyone agrees*

There is a film on but I'm not paying much attention to it, truth is, I am in utter agony but I'm trying to hide it, it is a bit better now though because I have my legs up on Haz and My head is resting on Amy, Amy starts running her fingers through my hair and before I know it I am fast asleep.

Amy: She's so small isn't she?

Haz: Yeah, I really can't believe Molly.

Amy: I know, it's not right.

*Just then there is a knock on the door*

A/n: but if a cliffhanger here, hope you like and let me know what you think.

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