Part 3 of Chapter 6

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Smoke was everywhere now.

I could hardly breathe.

Bending down, I scooped Gabbi up in my arms, then ran to the door and kicked it open.

"Binx... what're you doing," Gabbi asked me, weakly.

"I'm getting you out of here. I'll take you somewhere safe."

I could hear Alice and Skylar screaming out our names into the pouring rain, but Gabbi didn't seem to pay any attention to them.

"...It's too late...I know I'm not going to make it....I can feel it. So please, sit me down right here," she said, pointing down at the paved walkway that led to the front door of the Massacre Manor. 

I followed her instructions and kneeled down on the ground, placing her small head in my lap, and trying to shield her from the rain as best as I could.

"Gabbi...Why did you do that...for me?"

"I told you that I'd be there for you, didn't I?" 

She sighed comfortably, then smiled.

"But I wanted to thank you, Binx...Thank you for everything you've done. For being my friend when no one else would, and for always being there for me.....I love you."

Light raindrops fell on Gabbi's face as I looked into her eyes, crying.

"God, Gabbi....I love you too!"

I pulled her closer to me, meeting her red lips with a smile, as the rain began to wash away the blood from our clothes.

Explosions were going off in my head and lights were flashing brightly behind my eyelids.

I had never felt so complete.

As we finished our kiss and I opened my eyes, I immediately discovered the source of the lights.

A firetruck and an ambulance had pulled up in front of the Manor.

I turned back to face Gabbi.

"I wanted you to know how I felt before I...before I-"

I cut her off with a sob.

"No! You won't die!!! The paramedics will take you to the hospital and help you...but you won't won' can't! Please, dear God, don't leave me!"

"Jason," Gabbi cooed, "It's ok...I'm ready...And at least I get to spend my last moments with you."

I smiled.

"I love you, Gabbi."

"I love you too, Jason."

As those last words slipped out of her mouth, she smiled back at me, then softly closed her eyes.

The paramedics rushed up at that moment, and pushed me out of the way.

I tripped and fell, just laying numbly on the cold and wet pavement.

One of the men began CPR on Gabbi, but after more than three minutes passed, nothing happened.

The paramedic looked up at me slowly as rain dripped off his face.

"I'm sorry, but it's too late...she's gone"

When Alice ran up to comfort me, I tried so hard to hold back my screams of pain, but I quickly gave in and fell to the ground, as heavy sobs racked through my body.


Jason Binx And The Curse Of The Massacre ManorWhere stories live. Discover now