Part 1 of Chapter 6

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"Gabbi! Meet me at the Massacre Manor as soon as you can! Call Alice and Skylar and get them there too!"

"Whoa! Binx, what's going on? What're you talking about?"

"Greg is still alive!!!" I screamed.

I could hear Gabbi gasp into the phone. 

"Saxton has been keeping him alive this whole time! We have to save him," I said, then hung up the phone.

I flew over to my bag and dumped out all the other books except for the spell book (Just in case) then raced down the stairs.

As I turned the corner heading to the garage, I ran right into my pissed off and hungover mom.

"Where did you come from!? And why the hell are you running? I thought I told you, no running in the ho-," she started to shout, but I cut her off.

"No time for that now, mom! I need to go! This is an emergency!"

I tried getting past her, to open the front door, but she pushed me back.

"Hey! Im not done talking to you! And you better not interrupt me again or next time, you'll get the belt," she said as her face started turning red.

"Mom! Please move! I have to go!"

"The only place you'll be going is up to your room. Now march!"

I didn't really regret what I did next, but I knew that my friend needed me and I had to go save him.

So I rammed my mom out of the way, then opened the door, and ran out like my feet were on fire.

Rain was pouring down outside and in less than five seconds, I was already drenched.

"Jason! If you think you're going to run off and play with your little friends, then you better not come back! I don't want to see your face around here ever again!"

I had no idea why, but tears were now running down my face. I turned to my mom and screamed back at her.

"Fine, I don't care! I wouldn't want to come back anyway. You've made my life a living hell and I'm sick and tired of it. Mom, I hate you!"

When I said that last part, I could see the color drain from my mother's face.

I must have hit her where it actually hurt that time.

I smiled to myself, and then started running in the direction of the Massacre Manor, while the rain pelted down heavily on my skin.

I was almost to the Massacre Manor, and I saw someone waiting by the gate. At first, I thought it was one of my friends, but then I realized that this person was way to tall to be any of my friends.

I gulped nervously when I saw the person's face.

It was 'Creeper'.

He was dancing around and laughing, while opening his mouth to the sky and lapping up the rain like a maniac.

He saw me as I tried inching past him and he flew forward, his fingers latching onto my arm.

"He's waiting for you!!! He's waiting for all of you!!! Oh! It's going to be fun!! So much fun! Just like the last ti-," he tried to finish his rant, but the last part came out more as a droning, 'tiiiiime.'

He started to laugh again, but his laughter was choked off by the blood that was beginning to drip from his mouth.

"Have fun, Binx," he said, spewing a little blood on my face.

With those last words, his eyes rolled back in his head and he fell to the ground, convulsing as if he was possessed by demons.

Who knows. Maybe he was.

His body went stiff just as Gabbi and Alice ran up.

One look at him and Gabbi screamed.

"Oh my God! What happened here!? Are you ok, Binx!?"

I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but we need to hurry! Where is Skylar?"

"I called and left him a message on his phone, so he should be here any minute," Alice said, her voice shaking.

As if on que, Skylar ran up, just as a flash of lightning brightened the sky. The world rumbled, when the thunder followed shortly after.

"Ok, everyone is here! Let's go!"

I placed my hand on the rod-iron gate and pain shot up my fingers. It felt like he entire gate was buzzing with electricity . But I kept going, pushing it open and ignoring the agonizing pain that ripped through my arms.

The rain was beating down so hard now, that I could barely even see the huge manor that stood in front of us.

Gabbi even had to shove me towards the door, so that I didn't get us lost.

I felt my way to the door, and just as my hand wrapped around the handle, another flash of lightning struck nearby and the house shook violently.

With horror, I realized that the lightning had hit the house, and now, it was starting to catch fire.

I opened the door, and what I saw next, made me want to puke my guts out and faint.

Bloody bodies were everywhere and Saxton was prancing around them, like a fly around rotten meat. 

The smell of burning wood and charred flesh, immediately filled my nose. I could hear my three friends choking and gasping behind me.

"So glad you could make it! I bet Greg would be very happy to hear that you came!"

"Ok, we're here, so give Greg back," I said, as my voice filled with anger.

He chuckled a little, and I guess that frightened Gabbi (who wouldn't be freaked out by his laugh?!) because she grabbed onto my arm, trembling.

"Oh Binxy! It doesn't work that way. I could give him back, but first, you need to find where he is, and where the key to his room is."

 My heart sank. That was impossible! There wouldn't even be enough time. The house was going up in flames and the fire was spreading quickly.

"You better hurry, before you run out of time," Saxton said, smiling.

I glared at him hatefully, then quickly herded my friends into the other room.

The moment we had left, Alice started to freak out.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! What're we going to do!? We're all gonna die if we stay here!"

Gabbi slapped her across the face.

She blinked and slowly put her hand up to the red blotch that was forming on her pale cheek.

"Get ahold of yourself! If we want to find Greg, we have to work together! We have to be a team! So are you guys with me," Gabbi asked, standing up and sticking her hand out in front of her. It almost brought a tear to my eye.

"Of course I am," Alice said, putting her hand in too.

"Yeah, me too!" Skylar put his hand in as well.

Everybody looked at me.

"Let's do this," I said, putting my hand in the circle and smiling. 

Jason Binx And The Curse Of The Massacre ManorWhere stories live. Discover now