Chapter 39

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"Making sure her memories aren't recovered is simple," Devina declared with a chilling tone that sent shivers down Deva's spine.

As Deva strained to listen, the woman she once called mother conversed with another unknown figure.

"My Queen, she possesses black magic within her. We're unsure if we can erase her memories," the unfamiliar woman voiced her concerns.

Devena brushed off the hesitation with confidence. "It doesn't matter. I know an old witch well-versed in black magic," she asserted before turning her attention back to Deva.

Approaching Deva, Devena's touch was both tender and ominous as she caressed Deva's cheek. "You could have been queen if you had just cooperated. Instead, you chased after some monster," she remarked with disdain, her fingers lingering on Deva's skin.

Devena then pondered aloud, "Perhaps I should try wiping her memories instead?"

The unknown woman hesitated, cautioning, "That might not be wise, Your Highness." But Devena ignored the warning, rolling her eyes before reaching out to touch Deva's head, sealing her fate with a single, decisive action.

When Devina first laid her hand on Deva's head, a wave of discomfort washed over Deva. As Devina delved into Deva's memories, a sharp pang of pain pierced through Deva's consciousness.

   Initially intending to erase Deva's memories, Devina's actions unexpectedly triggered a resurgence of Deva's past.

   Flashbacks flooded Deva's mind, transporting her back to moments long buried in the depths of her subconscious.

  She remembered The fight she had with her mother, the tender moments spent with Lucifer, and countless other fragments of her past.

   With a sudden jolt, Deva snapped back to reality, her eyes snapping open as she rose to her feet.

she felt a surge of power coursing through her veins. With a determined glare, she pushed Devina away with a forceful burst of energy.

  Devina stumbled backward, colliding with a metallic object, eliciting a pained whimper. Wide-eyed, Devena realized the gravity of her actions, the consequences of tampering with Deva's memories.In the tense silence that followed, Deva's gaze hardened as she surveyed the scene.

  With a swift motion, she dispatched the mysterious woman beside Devina, her movements fluid yet purposeful. Returning her attention to Devena, Deva's resolve solidified.

  She was no longer alone; her mother, Devona, stood before her. But this was not the mother she once knew. This was a Devina tainted by deceit and betrayal, a shadow of the woman Deva once revered.

"Oops, seems like I pressed the wrong button," Devena remarked with a laugh, her tone dripping with mockery.

"You find this amusing?" Deva retorted, her anger simmering just below the surface.

"You dare call yourself a mother? You should be awarded the 'Best Mother' title," Deva spat, her words laced with venom.

Devena chuckled arrogantly. "Yes, I should. I am the best mother ever," she declared, her laughter ringing hollow in Deva's ears. Anger boiled within Deva as she realized the truth about her so-called mother - a wicked being devoid of compassion.

"I will end you," Deva muttered, her voice dripping with venom.

"Well, let's see you try," Devena taunted, her smirk betraying a hint of uncertainty beneath the facade of confidence.

In the final showdown between Deva and Devina, Deva's determination and strength surged forth as she relentlessly pressed her advantage. With each strike and dodge, Deva gained ground, her resolve unyielding against Devina's attacks. Despite Devina's efforts to fight back, Deva's skill proved too much as she countered every move with precision.

As the battle raged on, a chilling laughter echoed through the air, emanating from Devena. With a sinister gleam in her eyes, Devena lunged forward, poised to deliver a fatal blow to Deva. However, before Devina's blade could find its mark, Lucifer, the dark King himself, materialized in a burst of shadow and flame.

  In a shocking turn of events, Lucifer unleashed his true form, morphing into a fearsome being of unimaginable power and fury. With a roar that shook the very foundations of reality, Lucifer engaged Devina in a savage duel, their clash of titans tearing through the fabric of space and time.

  As Lucifer's onslaught intensified, Devina found herself overwhelmed and outmatched. With each strike, her strength waned, her resolve crumbling beneath the weight of Lucifer's wrath. In a final, desperate attempt to retaliate, Devina faltered, her movements sluggish and weak.

With a swift and decisive motion, Lucifer delivered the finishing blow, bringing Devina to her knees in defeat. As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded into silence, Devina lay defeated, her once formidable power reduced to nothingness.

Deva gazed at Lucifer in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the sight before her. Though she had seen him like this once before, she couldn't shake off the shock.

Why does he look like that? she wondered, as she stared at him cluelessly.

Lucifer met her gaze, sensing her discomfort. "Deva," he murmured softly, taking a step toward her, but she instinctively backed away.

"See what I mean? Nobody ever likes to see this. This is Lucifer, the man you're fond of," he explained, pointing to his altered appearance. He felt a pang of hurt as he saw Deva's reluctance to accept him. This was his greatest fear realized.

"Let's just—" he began, but Deva interrupted him with a firm "No," before approaching him.

"It's shocking, but who am I to change it?" she mused, reaching out to touch his face. With a slow, gentle peck on his lips, she expressed her love, even in the face of his altered form.

"I love you, even if you look like a hen," she murmured, eliciting laughter from them both.

Suddenly, Lucifer paused, then swiftly transformed back into his usual appearance. "Can you remember everything now?" he inquired eagerly, and Deva nodded, her heart swelling with joy.

"I missed you," he confessed before pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss. It was a kiss they both longed for, a reunion of souls that had been torn apart.

As they broke apart, their attention turned to Devina, who was slowly rising.

"What should we do about her husband?" Deva asked, a mischievous glint in her eye. Lucifer smiled at the term 'husband.'

"It's your call, my wife," he replied, and Deva's smile widened. She knew exactly how to deal with her mother in a way that would make her beg for mercy.

" We have one more thing to take care of" Lucifer said.

" What is that?" She asked.

" The higher council".


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