chapter 9

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" father,"
" father,"
" father,"

Blood kept on pouring out of Lucifers eyes, it wasn't easy calling his father, he remains like that not until, the same man from the other day appeared.

" son?," he father called.

" father," Lucifer called back bowing his head.

" you can't keep on pushing her away, she is yours and you belong to her," Lucifer looked at his father for a while before bowing his head again.

" I can't do this Father," he said and his father smiled.

" that is what I said when it happened to me and I failed, I want you to believe in yourself, she is beautiful and it wasn't your fault that you created a witch, that was in your memories when you promised Devina for a child, but I have one advice for you, do not hurt her the way I hurt your mother by losing" he said before disappearing.

Lucifer looked more confused, he had tried killing her but he couldn't. he stare at her as she kept on laughing with her handmaids, her smiles was so beautiful, she doesn't behave like a princess, she is free with everyone, a smile appeared on his face, watching her everyday was becoming a routine for him.

" come in Hades," Lucifer said before Hades could knock. the door opened showing Hades, he walked into the chamber, and went closer to lucifer.

" my lord," he greeted bowing his head, Lucifer looked at him before looking back at the mirror.

" my lord," Hades called and Lucifer spare him a glance.

" I want to ask you a question," he said then Lucifer nodded giving him a go ahead.

" why do I have to take care of the maid?," he asked, Lucifer sigh then looked back at the mirror.

" Hades," Lucifer called.

" yes my lord" he answered.

" come closer," he commanded and Hades went closer to him.

" who did that?," Lucifer asked pointing at Lauren's neck, Hades smiled looking so embarrassed, Lucifer smiled and looked at him.

" why ask me, when you enjoyed yourself,"

" she is beautiful, my lord" Hades said.

" the only woman you find attractive," Lucifer said and Hades smiled again.

" you too, Deva is the only woman you find attractive" lucifer face expression changed immediately, he didn't want to talk about Deva, the image of her beautiful body will keep on flashing in his memories, her tiny waist, perfect hips, her c cup b****t, he can't even say everything about her, if felt like running his hands through her body, but her innocence kept stopping him, her tears, it is so obvious that she has never done this before because of the way she is so scared and uncomfortable, tears flowing down her red cheeks, he wants her to be comfortable with him, he wants her to moan in pleasure in his ear when he touches her, he wants her to hold him tight without taking her eyes off him, he wants her to morn his name countless time.

" my lord" Hades interrupted his wonderful thought, Lucifer looked at him.

" I don't find Deva attractive" he said and Hades smiled knowing Lucifer was lying.

" you purposely set Lauren up with me," Hades said, Lucifer looked at Lauren in the mirror, she was patting Deva back, Lucifer chuckled.

" Morningstar liked her, that is so surprising" Hades said referring to Lucifers horse, Lucifer also looked amused, Morningstar never liked anybody apart form him and sometimes Hades.

" my lord, I think she is really the one, that is a very big sign" Hades said, Lucifer kept quiet because he didn't want to say anything.

" that was the first time you have ever been slapped," Hades said.

" and it was so surprising that you didn't kill her" Hades added.

" she is just a mere witch, so killing her would be a waste of time" Lucifer said.

" that is not the reason, my lord, we both know you kind of started developing a soft spot for her " Lucifer looked at him angrily.

" you don't know me, Hades," Lucifer said.

" now forget you are they lord, Lucifer you are my best friend, I know you since when we were kids and I know you have never behave like this to anyone" Hades said as Lucifer kept quiet, Hades has being there for him, even when his parents left, that is the reason why Hades is his most trusted demon.


I slept off on Lauren's lap, she is so comforting, the Ray of the sun woke me up, I opened my eyes slowly seeing Lucifer staring at me, he immediately stood up when my eyes fluttered open, that was the first time I have ever seen him looking so terrified.

" good morning" I greeted, but he wasn't staring at me, he was looking at my body, I quickly use the duvet to cover my body because of the transparent night wear.

" sorry for the inconvenience" I apologise, I really want to respect him to avoid getting stripped, he did as if nothing happened.

" get dressed, we are going for a walk," he said and disappeared into thin air.

" thank goodness, I'm finally leaving this palace" I whined happily.

we ate silently in the dinning room, this is the best coffee I have ever tasted, it tasted so good, lucifer wipe his mouth with a napkin.

" he is handsome" I mumbled, why would someone be so sexy, handsome and cute but still act like a fool, no offense.

" fool," he murmur, he is definitely reading my mind again, I will never think of anything again.

" but you are thinking of something, right now" I heard him in my head, I immediately looked at him, wait how did he do that, he smirked as I kept on wondering.

" moron" I murmur.

" I guess someone always like stripping" he said and I flinched. I ate from the bacon and scrambled eggs, lucifer stood up from the dinning chair and started heading out.

" hey, wait for me," I said with my mouth full of food. he ignored me and I quickly took some bacon and eggs in my hands and ran after him, he is so fast. I walk beside him as I kept on eating my food that was in my hand. he looked at me in a disgusting way.

" what?," I asked.

" go and ask your mother that" he said still walking.

" as if you didn't kidnap me" I said immediately we came out of the palace.

" kidnap you?," he repeated.

" yes you did," I said.

" shut the h**l up, I brought you here to save you from your mother and you are saying I kidnapped you, you know what?, today is over" he said and started heading back. What did I do? I didn't know he would be so angry. I stood speechlessly outside with my hands still filled with food.

Oh damn.


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