chapter 11

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" Were you trying to seduce me?" My eyes widened immediately he said that.

" Se-seduce you?" I asked looking stunned.

"yes, why the f*ck are you dressed like a whore?" He asked.

" I'm a princess darling, I'm allowed to dress how I want to dress" I said.

" Darling huh?" He murmured."sit" he said and I sat on a chair beside him.

"You don't want her anymore right?" He asked. I looked at him confused, what was he talking about?.

" Who? May I ask"

" Your handmaid" he says then stood up.

" Why wouldn't I want her?". I questioned

" It looks like"

" Now I'm confused"

" You shouldn't dress like this and she Knows that, there are a lot of guard's in this palace and you're dressed like this?" He angrily said before he disappeared in a thin air.what am I going to do now? I hope he is not really serious about this?. I know I shouldn't have dressed like this. It only pissed him off more.


Immediately princess Deva left the room for dinner, she begins to arrange her bed. The door flew open, she thought princess Deva had to eat with the lord before coming back but she came so early, she was shocked when she saw Hades, he stare at her and she looked at him dumbstruck.

" Lauren right?" He asked and she nodded. He walked closer to her , he stood at her front staring at her face, he murmured something under his breath before raising his hand up, he removed some strings of her hair from her face and stuck it behind her ears.

" I'm Hades" he murmured enough for her to hear.

" Master Hades" she murmured too.

" No just Hades" he Said. She was surprised that he said that she could just call him Hades without the master. She nodded her head and smiled.

" You don't really need to be scared around me, I like you too" he murmured and walked out!!!

           DEVONA KİNGDOM 🌗🌙

Dariana and Paula stood in front of the queen Devina looking at her in fear.

" Well well well, if this isn't my daughter two favorite handmaid's who would?" Queen Devina said as she smiled at them warmly. They were both confused why did the queen ask for them and why is she smiling at them so warmly.

" You both miss her don't you?" Queen Devina asked and they both quickly nodded their heads.

" And you want her back, don't you?" Only Paula nodded her head, queen Devina looked at Dariana.

" May I ask why you don't want her back?" Queen Devina asked Dariana. Dariana shrugged and she said.

" I think it is better off if she is there" Queen Devina looked at her for a while before laughing out loud like a witch that she was.

" The bold one" she smiled before snapping her finger, Dariana disappeared within a snap of a finger.

" Back to you do you want her back" she asked and Paula quickly nodded her head without a thought.


Next day

I lay on my bed quietly, I tossed from one place from one place to another. It was a sunny day I was alone and it was already afternoon, i heard a knock on her door and I quickly stood up to open it, i saw a guard on her doorstep.

" Your lunch is ready my princess" he said bowing his head before leaving. I groaned out loud before walking out of the room, I walked in the long hall way before finding the dinning. Lucifer was not there, why wasn't he there? I ate my food silently I kind of miss him, why wasn't he eating with me today? I finished eating my food and came out of the dinning room and met and guard standing in the entrance.

" Were is Lucifer?'' I asked.

" Is not my word to say, my princess" he said. I scoffed unbelievably.

" Really?" I walked away before finding a another guard.

" Were is Lucifer's room?" I asked.

" I can't say, my princess" he said.

" Don't be scared demon, he sent for me without giving direction, how pathetic" he nooded his head then started walking, I followed him from behind, I won't lie, it was a long walked, this palace is so big like who the hell walked for so long just to be in a room. We finally entered a long luxurious passage, the ground felt like it was made with gold even the Walls.

" We are here my princess" he said before walking away.

  I walked closer until I saw a big and beautiful door that was obviously made with diamonds and they was a snake symbol on it, I went closer to the door and opened it and I entered to my surprise I was shocked to see another door, It was like they was another house inside this palace. I opened the door, I was greeted by a beautiful scent, I entered into the room that was painted all black though it was still beautiful with the black.

  To cut the beautiful story short, this room was my dream room. I saw the king size bed and quickly ran to sit on it but unfortunately, I saw Lucifer laying on it let a dead person.

   I gasped and quickly maintain myself. He was shirtless and wearing only a sweatpants, I walked closer to the bed and looked at his face, he was so handsome, his sharp jaw line and pointed nose, my eyes looked at his beautiful body structure, his broad chest, strong muscle and pink nipple. This guy is so h-h-hot.... Back to his face, i looked at his hair, his hair was purely white hair,wait i thoughtit was when his hair is burningthat is when it turns white, I looked at his piercing grey eyes which stare at me as i admirer him. Wait a sec, he is staring at me.

" Ahhhhhhhhhh" I screamed!!!

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Love yah ❤️😘

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