Birthday party

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3 years had passed by. Alastor resides in your castle in wrath with official permission from Lucifer himself to travel between rings even if the king of hell had issues with it.

You laugh sometimes remembering that day where Alastor was definitely poking at Lucifer's buttons.

You might've retired your constant need to prove yourself and kill but Alastor on the other hand had more fun with it than you did. Taking over even more of pride before eventually going to have a whole ring of hell to his disposal.

"Why do we have to throw a party tonight?" You groaned, throwing the blankets over your head

"Because my dear, tonight is your birthday and we must celebrate that a beauty was born on this day many years ago" Alastor said adjusting his tie

"Yes but I've had PLENTY of parties in my lifetime" you rejected his statement

"Not that many parties with me as your partner darling. Now get up" he ripped the blankets off you. Revealing that you were only wearing a pair of f/c shorts. To be honest, a man would say they were boxers but a woman would argue and say it's pants.

He's been on you about this party for a couple months now. Compared to the other years where it was a surprise, you noticed he was a lot more hectic to get everything to your taste. You told him you didn't want anything huge. Just something a little more simple.

Your definitions of simple are two completely different terms.

Simple to you is a few friends you adore enjoying some drinks and laughing

Simple to him is extravagant decorations and a jazz themed party with 100s of his people attending.

Placing on a simple long f/c skin tight dress with matching heels he picked out for you, you made your way to kitchen hoping to make yourself some breakfast

At the dining table was already a plate with your f/f with f/d and a lit candle.

"Alastor, you're too quick on this" you giggled, sitting down to eat.

"Anything for you my little fawn" he said, sitting next to you with his favorite breakfast food.

"So what's the plan for today?" She took a bite of the food. Perfectly seasoned. This man was definitely born, raised, and killed in the south.

"Just to head to the hotel for your birthday my dear. I have everything already planned out" he chuckled. His wide smile looking a little extra toothy

"What torture are you going to put me through"

"Only the kind that will satisfy me"

Like a true gentleman, he attempted to take you shopping but being the princess of wrath, you basically get everything you want for free so he couldn't pay much towards it.

Making your way to the hotel with him, you noticed that it looked the same from the outside. Maybe he did listen to you when you didn't want anything crazy.

You. Were. Wrong.

The inside was covered in decorations, all styled in your favorite theme and colors. You groaned expecting it to be 1000s of people there only to be surprised when you saw Angel, Rosie, Charlie, vaggie, Ethan, Josie, your father and nifty there.

"Wow you actually listened to me" you laughed at Alastor

"You said simple. Although this is a little boring, I thought I'd listen this time" he guided you to the lobby area where everyone was chilling and drinking.

"Y/n!" All of them pretty much shouted

"Hey y'all!" You smiled giving each of them a hug, giving your father an extra long hug.

I will wait for you, my fawnWhere stories live. Discover now