Alchemy bros

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We walked over to his house. It was a simple business bookshelves everywhere with candles to light it up the room. He showed me to an area in the back. Cautiously I walked in. A small bed with blue sheets sat in the corner. Around was a set up of test tubes and random colored liquids. One was currently boiling and smelled like freshly trimmed grass.

"You're interested in alchemy too?" I asked curiously

"I just dabble on occasion" he stretched and when he did, six sets of white wings appeared on his back, ripping through his white ruffled shirt.

"Didn't have to show off there" I said with sarcasm in my voice

"A lady dressed as beautiful as you with the attitude of a young girl" he responded to me.

"Hey 125 years old is pretty young if you count what we are"

"Fair fair" he began to fiddle with a particular potion.

"Whatcha making there"

"So this is supposed to help humans upgrade their reading skills!" He said with excitement

I tilted my head "so you're going to help people learn to read faster?"

"EXACTLY!" he smiled

"You really are a goody two shoes"

"Other than being friends with the likes of you, I have to"

"You don't HAVE to do anything. You have free will to do whatever you want"

"No you have free will. I have to follow all these rules and regulations or I can become fallen. Which what we have, is already grounds for that"

"That doesn't sound fun at all Ethan. What's the matter with becoming fallen?"

He looked at me realizing I took it as an insult "nothing is wrong with it" he sighed "I just would fail my family"

I looked at him and we both had a mutual understanding that the relationship we had even as friends. Angel and demons are supposed to hate each other but he's different. He's nice. He actually is what I thought angels were as a kid.

We both said our goodbyes, giving each other a hug.

Ethan and I hung out with each other about once every two weeks. Just simple Angel vs demon banter plus looking at his experiments.

Eventually it moved to once a week then every other day then we just started doing our jobs together. Even shared a house down in Colorado Springs.

———————-back to reality———————

"So they were just best friends?" Angel said "you'd think they'd be fucking"

"Y/n wasn't really the type for relationships." Your father stood up "I have a few meetings to attend so I must be off"

They all watched him as he left looking a little uncomfortable.

"That was strange" Alastor thought before turning his head to the group with that devilish grin.

You groaned thinking it was over but it wasn't. Your eyes started back up again

Instead of a normal date, it just read

————————dooms day———————-

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