A deal

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"You want to make a deal?! Alastor that isn't guaranteed to work and also can't guarantee your safety" you screeched at him, anger building behind your voice. Three chains are still attached to your limbs.

"My dear, I once had a deal with Lilith" he said with a smile

"Yes and she had your soul. Not the other way around"

"Y/n, you are weak right now. Your soul is not nearly as strong as it once way and I've grown stronger. I'm not a very trustworthy person my dear but you can trust me. Our deal will not tie your soul towards me forever. Just enough to see if you will come back to me" Alastor pleased. His smile still stayed but his eyes seemed desperate.

"Alastor, please" you sighed, sitting back down. "Fine. We have to work on a contract. Maybe in one of your clauses, it can reinstate my memory."

Alastor nodded, pulling out a little book with your name, date, time, and area of deal. It was for protection. His contract for you was simple. He will protect you if you stay loyal to him. There is no fine print, no possibility of your soul being placed in broadcast, etc.

You both agreed on it once reading it over.

Alastor kneeled down to you.

"Hopefully this works my little fawn. It's been rather boring without you there with me" he grinned

"Hey Alastor?" You said to him with a soft tone.

"Yes my dear"

You grabbed the collar of his shirt, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He placed one hand on your waist and the other on your cheek, leaning into the kiss.

After what felt like forever, you both released from the kiss. In doing so, another chained snapped, leaving both her wrists free.

You laughed a bit, feeling the freedom of your arms.

"Alright Alastor, let's do this"


Both waking up at once, you stood from your bed. With that extra chain snap, you were able to regain some of your consciousness. You still didn't remember much but it was enough to get you knocking at his door.

Alastor opened up his door, allowing you in.

"I actually don't remember why I walked here" you said a little confused

"I know why dear. Let's make a deal" Alastors stitches showing holding up a smile

"Um I don't know. I mean my brain is saying yes but I don't know"

Alastor placed his hands behind his back "my dear, I can guarantee you safety. No false promises there. No fine print. No nothing. Just a simple exchanged. My protection and in return, you're just loyal to me" he said, reaching out one of his hand.

You were hesitant at first but eventually grabbed it.

Neon green cracks in the walls along with symbols appeared as Alastors body contorted to an unnatural shape. Your f/c cracks followed along with his, intertwining with each other as you felt green chains wrap around your soul. In your subconscious, the final two chains broke, giving you full roam in your brain. Wow this shit actually worked.

Vaggie and Charlie came running in

"Alastor what did you do" Charlie shouted out, her horns coming out of her head.

Once all colors disappeared, you stood in front of them. You looked over to them

"It's okay Charlie, I consented to this"

"But you aren't you yet. He took advantage of you"

"No, actually" she walked over to Alastor "he saved me"

Her original form surfaced. "I don't remember everything just yet but I remember that I'm going to kick Ethan's ass for all this shit" your eyes turning a deep red

Charlie ran up and gave you a hug. Vaggie following behind

"We missed you so much" they both said with a huge smile

Husk and Angel came groggily walked into Alastors room

"What's goin on here" they both said in unison

"Boys. I'm back" you threw up some jazz hands. It seemed to wake both of them up.

"That's excitin and all but can we be more happy in the morning" Angel said with an attitude giving you a hug

"Of course you can" husk gave you a fist bump.

They all left leaving you and Alastor together alone.

"My dear, I believe I need to hear a thank you" Alastor grinned

"Thank you Alastor" you ran up to give him a hug. "However can I repay you?" You said with sarcasm

Alastor waved his hand to shut and lock his door "I have a few ideas" he grinned, grabbing your waist.

I will wait for you, my fawnWhere stories live. Discover now