Experiment 2 is underway

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The next day, Alastor was on a mission to get this stuff created. It didn't take much effort as y/n was extremely detailed on her recipes. After creating all three potions he had Charlie, Angel, husk, vaggie join in wrath in order to witness this.

Everyone was in your room including your father. You were initially freaked out by seeing the cat demon and the long lanky white demon. Charlie looked familiar to you because of Lucifer and vaggie just kinda looked like a living corpse.

"Why are we here Alastor" vaggie glared at him.

"Dear I wanted to have an audience for this show. You know I have feel about these picture box technology but in order to restore y/n to her natural form we have to watch her memories until something might pop up"

"Ooooohhhh group movie night! This is great for bonding" Charlie said with a smile.

"Heya toots, we've done PLENTY of bonding throughout the years." Angel responded "the only kinda bonding I want to do is with husk" he flirted to the gambling cat

"Can you STOP with that sh—" husk tried to reply to the pink demon but was cut off by Alastor

"CAN YOU ALL SHUT UP" symbols appeared around him and his body contorted to an unnatural shape while he grew large. You looked horrified at seeing this. He glanced at you and returned to normal "look look, I wish not to fight. Just a simple favor I ask of all of you. We need y/n back" Alastors smile remained but his eyes told a different story.

"Fine" they all said in unison, fear in their eyes.

"Splendid! Now then I started with a potion to give us her memories with Charlie. She said she only say Charlie twice in her time but I wanted a test run. Next up would be this freak who kidnapped her" he took a seat next to you "it should activate in about 5 minutes so I hope you all are ready to be entertained"

You just looked at him, silent as he scared you. You don't remember drinking the potion but you remembered he made you two smoothies earlier. Your guess, was a trick. Bastard got you. You can still feel the eye twitches as he laughed at you for falling for it.

They all just sat around in silence.

"So I wonder what y/n remembers with me? Honestly she only met me when I was 9 then again when I was 22." Charlie said a little curious.

"Why did she meet you?" Vaggie asked

"Hmmm. When I was 9 I was going through a lot of emotions so my dad invited her and another princess to convince me to keep going strong. 22, y/n helped trained me in combat since she is the daughter of the leader of hells army so she's had extensive amount of training in combat, weapons, magic, etc"

"When she fought in angels body she didn't seem all that strong"

"She always explains that you must connect your vessel with your soul in order for your body to work the way you want it to. Angels body is not hers so it was much more difficult for her to fight compared to her body"

"That makes more sense" vaggie nodded in agreement.

You suddenly felt nauseous, you tried to lean down but your body stiffened.

"I don't feel so good" you whispered before you shut down completely. Your eyes began to shine. When it did, against the wall showed a strange white projection from your eyes.

They all looked at you then at the wall and the projection turned black and white words saying


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