Last moments

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6 hours had passed and everyone started to wake up. You even were able to stir awake. Your eyes shot wide when felt warmth underneath you. You had been cuddling with that weird red guy. Blushing, you sat up to see four random people in your room.

They all just gave a tired but awkward wave

"Heya toots. Mornin" Angel said, stretching

Charlie just smiled and vaggie glared because she was still tired.

"When does the show start again? I've started to enjoy this" husk grumbled

"I think we have about an hour left" everyone got up to get themselves cleaned up including yourself. Alastor was still asleep but you quickly got changed into another pair sweats and a long sleeve shirt. Your ears flicked when the sound of radio static could be heard from your bed.

"Good morning darling. It's nice to see you awake" he stretched

"Not for long considering the face I'm a movie apparently. Watching my memories, y'all are kinda crazy for that" In your mind, you could hear a chain snap. Your memories? You don't really remember anything happening before being found in a ditch but for some off reasons. The memories playing from your eyes looked so familiar.

———timeskip brought to you by raw meat, cause you freaks like it raw——-

The film began to roll again.

Ethan eventually came to, explaining to him his new situation, he just sighed "how long do we have together then"

"My dad said about 20 years before it gets really bad" I looked down in guilt "I'm sorry this happened to you. We shouldn't have been friends. This is all my fault"

"No y/n, it's not. We both decided to remain friends and heaven is just an asshole. They don't get it" he stood up slowly, he can still feel the pain of his wings being ripped off his body "I have a new life right now. Maybe we can work on a cure to avoid this obsession thing going on y/n but first, I need a favor"

He explained that I needed to go to Josie in my male form to let her know he had passed away. Walking up to her shop, she seemed so happy to see me. When she looked around for Ethan, that happiness turned into a frown

"Where is my darling?" She asked me

Tears welled in my eyes as I handed her a locket, the locket he kept on him that had a picture of her. She understood in that moment before I could say anything. I've never watched someone's heart break before my eyes. The way her body crumpled, was something I've never seen before. She closed her shop indefinitely, traveled around the world on her own from the money she received after his "death".

Now Josie resides in hell after committing suicide at the age of 50. She owns a little tea shop just west of pride. Alastor and I would go there but everytime, I could never work up the courage to tell her I was his friend. He never died but instead went insane. Even in hell, she still wears his wedding ring and locket. Hoping he would find her one day in there. It's been years since then and she hasn't been lucky. I will never tell her the truth.

For years he tested for a cure but nothing seemed to work. In fact, it made things worse.


Ethan and I stopped our friendship while he still had a little bit of sanity left. I went through all stages of grief but one seemed to remain strong, vengeance. Around this time, New Orleans began to report mass suicides in churches.

Those weren't mass suicides at all though. They were caused by me.

Walking into a Catholic Church off of napoleon avenue. I was dressed in a long black gown, my hair down with a wide brimmed hat to cover my face. The priest stopped his sermon to look at me standing in the middle of the room

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