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The memories shut off and the screen now read 'energy break 8:00:00'

Charlie was in tears after showing this memory.

"That's so sad" she sobbed

Husk and Angel just fell silent while watching Charlie cry and vaggie trying to comfort her.

"Angels are pieces of shit. Especially back in the day, Charlie." Vaggie said

Alastor had placed you comfortably in the bed. He wasn't keen on empathy or sympathy but in that moment he understood why you never wanted to kill Ethan. To you, Ethan was your business partner for a long time. He was your best friend.

"Two things" Angel said "this doesn't explain why her powers were weakened in the past"

Charlie calmed her sniffles "her powers were weakened because y/n grew strong enough to create another universe. Her and Ethan weren't the first time she dealt with Angel authority. Mars never existed before her. She wanted to create a new world where humans could live in an equal opportunity environment. Just like in most of her memories debating with Ethan about heaven and hell, she went hard into studying how to create something different. Angel authorities stepped in and chipped a piece of her soul and locked it away upstairs. I remember my dad bringing me to her trial. She didn't really fight back. She just kinda accepted it. Y/n is still one of the most powerful demons out there but she can't outrank the originals. Her main punishment was to rank future overlords. Most of the time, hell knows when an overlord will exist even if they are still alive. They told y/n she couldn't allow anyone with abilities over a certain number couldn't go to hell but instead remain in limbo"

"What the fuck is limbo" Angel asked

"Limbo is neither heaven or hell" husk explained "where all the people were equally good and bad or people who were so bad that even hell doesn't want them."

"Understandable. Do they ever make exceptions?"

"Never. If y/n is caught doing that, she'd be killed with no questions asked." Charlie began to cry again "I just didn't know how much pain she really went through. She keeps such composure"

Alastor spoke up "Charlie this is why we talked about you never know what's really behind a smile"

"I know"

"My second thing is. I heard those little boys say Al, was that you Alastor?" Angel looked up at the red demon sitting on the bed

"Yes." Alastor responded. He didn't seem to happy that he showed up in her memories in front of them "y/n has showed up periodically in my life during her times in New Orleans. During those times, racism and rank were pretty strong."

"Who knew Alastor wasn't white" he laughed

"Shut up" vaggie said in a serious tone of voice

"What it's true" Angel through his arms in the air.

"We have 8 hours until more plays. Did y'all get anything from those memories"

"He said that he was working through where the person who lost memories had to fall in love with the person they loved before"

"Who was y/n in love with?" Angel asked "strawberry pimp over there?" Pointing to Alastor

Alastors grin widened "my good man, she actually rejected me when I offered the proposal to a relationship so truly I don't know"

"Wait, you asked her out?" Angel grinned "you dog"

"What? I hate dogs. But alas, you are correct. I have seem to grow some strong feelings for her in the years I've known her. She had always been different to me compared to most women I've met. Never cared about my money, never used me for my abilities. Honestly, she humbles me." He stood from the bed "she's seen all of my life in bits and pieces. Never once did she show judgement. I'm quite flattered to even so much as be friendly with this woman. Her purity mixed with hunger for power as really made me think about her in ways I've never thought I would after making my arrival in hell"

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