Tying up loose ends

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You woke up in Alastors bed the next morning completely sore from last night. That man has magic everything.

You groaned getting up, only to feel a gloved hand stopping you from standing. You turn your head to see a sleepy Alastor, somehow fully dressed with a grin on his face.

"Good morning alastor" you smiled, curling back into him

"Good morning my dear" he placed a hand on your cheek "what's the plan for the day?"

"Seeing my father and dealing with Ethan"

Alastors eyes widened "we can handle that my—"

"No. Please. I have an idea"

"Enlighten me before I let you go dear. Your abilities aren't there like they used to be"

"I just want to talk to him. With Josie. Even though I didn't catch her the other day, I left a letter of everything that happened. She wrote me back. Understandably upset but willing to go and see him with me if it means anything"

Alastor had a low tone static going off not liking this idea but when he looked in your eyes, he couldn't help but be a little soft.

"Fine dear but let's make this quick because if he messes with you again, I will kill him" he growled

You just let out a laugh. "No Alastor, it won't be that bad"

————-timeskip to a few hours later

Alastor, Josie, and yourself are back in the human world. Specifically to that cabin in Sweden.

"Are you sure this is him?" Josie asked you. Her human disguise was a perfect match of when she was younger and alive.

"Yes. I don't know if he'll remember you" you said with nervousness in your breath.

"We can always try" she smiled at you.

You looked around and noticed that he was still sitting inside. You'd think he would've moved by now knowing you were back in hell.

Cautiously you made it inside the cabin with the other two and greeted him

"Hello Ethan" you said with disgust in your voice

"Got your memories back?here to try and kill me" He said standing up on defeat

"Yeah but that's not why I'm here"  you said staring at him.

"That's why I'm here" Alastor said, pulling a wooden knife out of his pocket. You put your arm in front of Alastor, giving him a look

"No. I wanted you to meet someone"

Josie popped out the corner. She was definitely nervous but tears welled up in her eyes upon seeing her husband still alive.

Ethan seemed shocked. His green eyes staring into Josie and her beautiful blue eyes. He couldn't believe it.

"Josie?" He whimpered.

"It's me, my love" she said with a smile.

Ethan felt something break in his head and his heart. Memories came flooding back. All the way until he asked you to announce his death to her.

The curse was broken because his real true love was in front of his eyes, Josie. That beautiful woman he met in that cafe. Her smile when she would save him an extra croissant at the end of every shift. He sank to his knees and began to cry.

You and Alastor looked at him with an awkward look on your faces. Josie went over to hug him

"I heard what you did. Not a very good husband you know" she laughed, tears streaming down her face.

Alastor looked away, cringing at the site of mercy on his body. He wanted no more than to kill him.

An hour had passed. Ethan was too busy sobbing his eyes out in Josie's arms. Guilty for everything he had done under that spell. Under that horrid curse.

"I'm sorry y/n" he muttered standing up. "You know that's not me"

"I know Ethan" you took a deep breath. You offered him a handshake out of respect because honestly if he were to hug you, you'd probably stab him yourself

He took it.

"Alastor" he looked over to the radio demon

"Hmm" Alastor responded, not interested in what he had to say

"I know that I took her away from you. For that I apologize. I understand any repercussions for my actions" Ethan took a bow, slightly afraid of Alastor.

Alastors grinned, looking over to you. You shook your head and shot him a glare

"Get up my good man. You're lucky she's back and would hurt me if I killed you" Alastor said with an attitude, agreeing to give him mercy.

"What will you do with me now?" Ethan asked with a little fear behind his voice

You smirked "I know exactly what to do with you" you loomed over him

————couple minutes later———-

"Y/n" Charlie called out and ran to give you a hug.

"Hey there" you said with a smile, the other members of the group came and hugged you

Angel glanced over and saw Ethan standing there, he pushed everyone away, pulling out a gun

"The fuck you doin here" Angel spat out

Ethan placed his hands in the air, stepping back outside from the lobby of the hotel.

"Whoa whoa whoa" you said stepping in front of Angel and Ethan "I brought him here"

You explained the situation at hand

"That's why I believe this hotel can rehabilitate him for the better. Along with his wife, Josie" you smiled showing Ethan and Josie

"But he has no soul" Charlie said a little weary

"I know but you've done such a great job. Consider this an experiment and then maybe we can convince the others with no souls to join" you convinced her

Charlie had stars in her eyes "you're so right! Alright Ethan let me show you the way!"

Ethan was hesitant but went with the Princess. Angel rolled his eyes but hey you never know. 

"Well then dear, is that enough kindness for the day" Alastor looked over to you, swinging his cane in a dramatic fashion "you'll give me more feelings than I intend to have"

"One more thing" you grabbed his hand, dragging him to a more private area "remember how before all of this you had asked me out? Well I'm willing to try but you'll just have to get used to my crazy"

Alastor grabbed your waist, pulling you towards him "darling, you doubt me. I've been waiting to tame that crazy" he leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips "will you allow me to court you properly?"

"Of course alastor. I'd be honored"

I will wait for you, my fawnWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt