No y/n, its not a dream

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"Okay look. You're probably a figment of my imagination. I created you to help with my loneliness of being without my fiancé" you said accepting the fact you are now certified insane

"Don't flatter yourself darling. I am in fact not your imagination y/n. I am real" the red pinstriped coat man said

"Y/n? Y/n? See! You have to be in my dreams. I always get called that. My name is Rebecca not y/n. By the looks of you, you're Alastor"

"Oh so you do remember me! All this time I've been watching you, I thought you were cursed by your little boy toy to not remember me"

"What? No. You're not real. You're always in my dreams. We lived in some hotel together. Always hung out. You took me to some swanky tavern in cannibal town. We danced, kissed, other things"

"Other things?" He asked you tilting his head a little curious

You blushed "okay if you're real and this is all real, prove it"

"Darling if I show you a memory, you'll say it's a dream. I'd rather just take you to hell myself and I can show you that it's real and I'm real"

"Pinch me"


"I said pinch me. If I don't wake up, I'll go to hell with you. If I wake up, then I'm not wrong"

Alastor walked up next to you, setting the glass of water he had been holding then gently pinching your arm.

Nothing. No way this was reality.

"Again, but harder this time" you said. He pinched you again. This time drawing blood on your arm from his claws.

Nothing again. This is a really strong dream. It won't give in.

"Again" you demanded from him. He just looked at you a little concerned "you heard me, again. I didn't stutter"

Once again, he pinched you. The blood pouring a little more from your arm. When you looked at it, you noticed your blood isn't red. Instead, it's black. Memories of Ethan hitting you, you notice your blood is black. Never once is it red. You ran past Alastor and picked up a kitchen knife. You looked him and then cut your upper arm. Black. Not red. Crazy entered your eyes. Realizing this might not be a dream. You notice your ankles are free from the chains. You looked at your feet then the demon before making a swift exit out the door.

You kept running but before disappearing into the woods, a hard metal object hit the side of your head knocking you out cold.

"BLITZ ARE YOU KIDDING ME" you heard one of the red creatures screamed before everything went black

"What?" Blitz asked "i was just trying to prevent her escaping" he said holding the nonstick pan.

"Can you not hurt my daughter in the process of trying to keep her in the area" Alan said scolding blitz.

"We normally kill living people. Not keep them safe. I'm just doing what you paid me to do"

He sighed picking up his daughter and bringing her back in the house.

"Your daughter is convinced that this is all a dream." Alastor said to your father who just sighed and laid her on the couch. With the wave of his hand, he healed every injury on your body. He could feel your mother crying. He wanted no more than to hold you and your mother.

"What do you want to do Alastor? Have her wake up and pass out again?"

"Why don't we just bring her back down to hell. When she wakes up, maybe we can go see what we can do then"

"Are you sure that's a good idea" he asked, hurt in his eyes

"My good man, she can't die that easily." Alastor said. "Come on. We can Lay her in her room"

Alan called in the three and told them to open the portal. The I.M.P. did as asked, crawling into the portal, followed by the king, Alastor picked you up and carried you in.

Your demon form changed than what everyone remembered. Your hair switched back to h/l h/c. Your skin back to its original. Grey mixed in with s/c like a lifeless corpse. Your clothes changed to a black gown. What was different though, no wings. Instead on your head was two cat like ears. They matched your hair. To finish it off were two black horns like the female imp from earlier. Making your way back to the kingdom in the red demons arms, civilians of wrath stopped and took a bow, welcoming the return of their princess as well as greeting the king.

Alastor walked her to her room, placing her on the bed gently before tucking her in. He stepped out the room

"Son?" The king called out to Alastor.

"Yes sir"

"Tomorrow. I'm going to bring her to Lucifer to see what we can do. If anyone had answers, it would be him"

Alastor nodded before stepping into the guest room next to yours. Lucifer, that joke. He doesn't even have a cool cane. Smiley boy thought

"Anything to bring you back to me, y/n" he said before trying to get some sleep.

I will wait for you, my fawnDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora