Surprise guests

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The next morning the two men opened a portal and stepped in.

The king had used his human disguise which was similar to y/ns features. He let Alastor keep his demon disguise

"We are about a mile from the cabin. I wanted to be able to scope out the place, make sure she won't get hurt when we take her out of this hideous situation" her father stated. In his mind her mother agreed. He could feel her soul trembling afraid to know how her daughter would react. "Calm down honey. We will see her again soon"

"I think we could've done this ourselves" Alastor said. Looking around he saw two smaller demons that in the hell would be classified as imps. The husband had black and white horns wearing a 3 piece black and white shirt with a big red bow tie. The wife had smaller black horns wearing a black crop top and torn black jeans. The other imp was blitzo. He met him back at Ozzie's.

"They deal with the living world more than we do. They are just extra protection"

"We are getting paid to do this" blitzo said to Alastor.

"Sir, if I may interject. That is not how you speak to an overlord and his highness" moxxie snapped

"Moxxie overlords are just sinners who got powerful. Ain't nothing special about them" the little country girl said glaring at Alastor. Alastor hummed and simply glanced at her,paying no mind

"Millie, he could kill us in an instant. Not to mention his highness"

"Will both of you dip shits shut up. Daddy is on a hunt" blitz yelled before disappearing in the trees.

As they continued to walk towards the cabin, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Alastor kept a smile on his face once they approached the door, her father took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

In the corner of Alastors eye, he saw the curtains move slightly.

"I'm definitely going nuts. When I open the door, nobody would be there. It's okay it's okay" you hype yourself up, grabbing the door handle then opening it.

"Hell-" the radio man said before you shut the door.

"I'm crazy. I'm fucking nuts" the knock came again "oh god oh fuck." You ran to the kitchen to grab a non stick pan before opening the door slowly. You take a look at the gentleman who looked similar to you. Blue eyes and brown dusty hair. Very handsome. To his left, stood a very long man with a wide smile. You rush to hit him with the frying pan but to your dismay, he stopped it mid swing.

When that didn't work, you tried to run past them to be greeted by 3 very strange red people

"What's up sugar tits" blitz said to her put his hands up to give a false scary face which his appearance already horrified you.

"Your highness" the little red dude with a matching bowtie.

Turning to the one you presume to be a woman, she just smiled seemingly excited.  You continued to run but after 30 feet the chain yanked you back. You started to scream for help, hoping you were actually alone and you're just going crazy. You kept trying to crawl, constantly checking behind you to see if they were still there. News flash, they were still there, watching you freak out. Soon everything went black.

———————-Alastors POV——————

I ran over to her once she stopped struggling against the chains. Scooping her up bridal style into my arms.

"Not the greeting we were hoping for" y/ns father said to me. I sighed while I placed her down on the couch. Snapping my fingers, the chains snapped from her ankles and I took a look to see bruises all around her ankles. My blood boils but this time I didn't lose composure just in case she were to open her eyes.

"So she was constantly bound. For a powerful being, you'd think she'd fight back. It's kinda hot to be tied up all the time" blitz laughed


"Don't KINK SHAME me" he shouted back

"Both of you shush. If you utter another word, I will consume you two and tear your soul over and over while I broadcast your screams" I grew mad, my eyes changing colors but my smile still remained

"I'd like to see you try" Millie said standing in front of both of them to make eye contact with me. I like this one, she has no fear around me. It's almost flattering

"All four of you, that's enough. You three, I paid you to keep an eye on the perimeter, do it" the king of wrath sternly said. His eyes fixated on all three as they scurried off. He turned back to me then to look at his daughter. Along with the bruises on her ankles, she had various marks on her. We watched everytime Ethan would lay a hand on her after she would disrespect him. He would play it up to be sexual frustration but y/n stayed strong on remaining abstinent. We knew it was to make sure her real self didn't come out.  

Once again proves I should kill him myself. I could just never find them in time. I felt guilt wash over me as I cleaned her up. {redacted} just sat on the worn down chair across from her. His face covered in anger and sadness seeing his daughter in this state.

"{redacted}" I called out to the man in thought

"Just call me Alan, son" he said to me. I took being called son by him as a compliment. For someone as respectable as him, a very good compliment. Only flaw in his character is he doesn't smile but seeing what he can do, he doesn't need to always be fully dressed.

"Alan, sir. Are you alright" I asked him

"No, Alastor, I am not. That is my daughter. I couldn't keep her safe. Look at her. Tattered to pieces, beatened, bruised, chained up" the house started to shake as a low growl could be heard from him. "I'm going to step out" he stood up and walked outside.

————————normal POV———————

"May I have this dance, darling" a tall gentleman asked. You looked at him, his face blacked out but his wide toothy smile bright as ever

"We are at a  tavern after all" you smiled grabbing his hand. He placed his hand on your waist, swaying you around to jazz music in the back ground

"Alastor, look at you and I thought you were an ace in the hole" a voice called out.

"A what now?" His radio voice asked

"She thought you were asexual. Considering how beautiful Rosie is. Anyone would be confused why you didn't take that opportunity to have sex with her" you laughed. You wanted to say tap that but you knew with his old timer language he wouldn't understand.

"Dear, Rosie is like an older sister or even a mother figure to me. I know we are in hell but y/n really. I'm from New Orleans, not Alabama" he twirled you "but you darling, you I would devour in an instance"

You could feel the blush on your cheeks

Sadly, this was just a dream (memory) you began to stir awake. Opening your eyes, you were alone

"I really am losing it." You sighed sitting up, that's when you noticed your chains were off. "Has it been a month already?" You heard the kitchen sink run. Standing up with a smile you plastered on your face, you walked over to the kitchen. Your body froze. Instead of a white haired man with green eyes, there was a 8' grey skinned freak with red hair looked at you with a smile

"Welcome back to reality, I made you a glass of water" it said to you with a toothy grin

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