Long sleep.

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Fikis pov: 02 and Salam ran over to Audrey, and shaking her, desperately trying to wake her up as other subjects were retreating to their rooms and guards were discussing over their radios. I walked over, crouching down infront of audrey, feeling her pulse.
"She doesn't have barely any pulse, she needs medical attention.." I whispered, picking Audreys body up, feeling how cold she was, I moved her along my shoulder, walking to a guard.
"She needs medical attention, as soon as possible." I demanded, Salam following behind me with Kylee and 02 as they all death stared the guard, who pulled out his radio, asking for permission to give her medical attention.
"Request granted." Another person in the radio said, before the Guard reached over, opening the staff door.
"Subject 01, bring 03 back to the infirmary, and sit her down." The guard said, I rolled my eyes, walking back there, dowh the long halls and opening the infirmary door, walking in and sitting Audrey down on the bed, noticing some girls in there chattering as they were grabbing medical supplies.
"Shoo, shoo!" The lady demanded, pushing me out and shutting the infirmary door, I scoffed, walking back out to Salam, Kylee, and 02, who were looking at me nervously.
"Is she okay?!" Kylee yelled, looking as if she was about to have a panic attack.
"Not sure, they havent had time to look at her yet." I replied, crouching down infront of kylee, and hugging her. Feeling her warm her tiny arms around me, hugging me back as she layed her head on my shoulder, sniffling, Salam looked at her fingers, looking as if she felt ashamed of herself.
"Whats..wrong? Is it whats happening with audrey?" 02 asked, patting salams back, salam looked at her feet, sighing.
"I..guess, its..not...its my fault shes hurt like this!-- I was looking where I shouldn't and she found me and told me to run and i shouldn't of i should've stayed back for her!--" Salam yelled, shaking. Her fingers and arms shaking as if her wings were simple threads being pulled. I stood back up, looking at salam with the most caring face i could.
"Its not your fault, dont worry..shell be alright....(right...?)" i said, thinking the exact opposite of what i had just said to her, trying to make her feel better. She nodded, taking some deep breaths, calming herself down, and looking back at Kylee, who was looking at her arms, scratching them.
"Dont scratch your arms, youll hurt yourself." 02 said to Kylee, who looked up seeming nervous. Everyone seemed like a nervous wreck.
"Okay listen...everyone go get some sleep, and when we wake up well ask about Audrey, okay? We all need the sleep..." i said to everyone, who nodded, 02 patting Kylees back, walking with Kylee back down the hall to her room. Salam didnt seem to want to go, so i gently grabbed her arm.
"You need sleep." I said to her, rubbing her arm, as she slowly nodded, stepping forward and gently grabbing my shirt.
"Can you stay with me..?" She asked, looking up at me as if she really wanted comfort. I paused for a moment, before nodding.
"Yeah, sure i can. Aslong as youll sleep." I said to her, she nodded, moving her hand down to mine and walking with me towards her room. She opened the door, letting me in, then gently shutting it.
"Just make sure your quiet..i dont want you to get in trouble.." Salam said to me, as she walked and sat down on her bed, laying back, leaving a spot under the blanket for me. I giggled, looking at her, she was already ready to sleep, and I hadnt even thought of it yet. I walked over, sitting and laying down on the bed, Salam pulling the blanket over the two of us, moving foward and burying her head on my shoulder, taking deep breaths as she got still, shutting her eyes and trying to sleep, yawning as I managed to get comfortable to sleep.

I woke up to Salam sliding around, I moved my arm over, laying my hand on her hair, slowly opening my eyes, seeing her beautiful face. She yawned, while looking at me, lifting her head up and sitting up, grabbing my arm and pulling me up. I stretched my arms out, leaning against the wall, watching Salam adjust her hair. She paused, before making an 'ahem' noise, as if she was trying to hurry and get to seeing if Audrey was okay, which was understandable.
"Should we go uh...get 02 and Kylee and see if Audreys any okay?.." Salam asked, the nervousness showing clearly on her face. I nodded, standing up and rubbing my eyes, as Salam rushed over to the door, opening it and grabbing my arm, pulling me outside her room. I yawned as we walked down the hall, we walked until we saw door 2006, Salam knocked.
"Kylee? You in there?" Salam called out, waiting for a response, Salam was surprised when she saw 02 open the door.
"Kylee is asleep. Do i need to wake her up?" 02 asked, as if it was completely normal of her to stay in Kylees room.
"Uh, yeah..what're you doing in Kylees room though?" Salam asked, seeming confused as she tapped her feet. 02 let out a awkward sigh, and a small laugh.
"Well, I didn't think it'd be a good idea to leave her by herself recently, so Ive just been watching over her as she slept." 02 explained, rubbing her eyes.
"Oh...what do you mean you think its not a good idea?" Salam asked back quickly, seeming interested in the topic. I stretched my arms out as 02 started talking again.
"Im not sure anyone other than me has seen it, but Kylees not doing well, I think shes depressed, and with what just happened earlier..i didnt wanna risk leaving her alone." 02 said, seeming kind of awkward about it, as she kept the door open and walked over to kylee, laying her hand on Kylees head, patting Kylees head.
"Wake up, Kylee." 02 said, watching Kylee open her eyes and groan.
"I dont wannnaa..." Kylee bantered, Salam and I walked in, looking at Kylee as she pulled the blanket over herself, 02 laughed, pulling the blanket back down.
"You wanna stay here while we check on Audrey?" 02 asked, before Kylee jumped up and threw the blanket off herself, she shook her head, rubbing her eyes.
"Alright then. Can we go now?" I asked, looking at the wall as I noticed Salam and 02 look at me as if i said something wrong, did i? Salam grabbed my ear and pulled me to the side as Kylee walked out her room with 02 walking right behind her, I grunted in pain, looking at Salam.
"What did i do??" I asked, putting my hand over my ear, watching Salams frustrated expression.
"You cant just speak to them like that, I get you dont have good social skills, its very obvious, but have some sympathy.." Salam said, sighing as she reaches over, putting her hand on my face.
"That was rude? Sorry." I replied, feeling kind of guilty now. Salam nodded, before she grabbed my hand, walking out the room and shutting the door, Kylee had hopped on 02's back, playing with her hair.
"Okaay...so do we just go to the staff door and demand to know?" Salam asked, seeming confused, 02 cleared her throat, pointing at me.
"She will." 02 said, pointing directly at me, as if i had volunteered to help them with this, well...technically i did i guess. I yawned as we walked down the hall, Kylee laying on 02's shoulder being quiet, Salam walking right next to the two, and I was behind them, walking as if I was a side person, that I wasn't needed. We walked past the cafeteria and to the staff door, 02 and Salam stepping aside and looking at me as the Guard at the door stared us down, I scoffed, staring at the guard.
"We want to know how subject 003 is doing, and would like to see her." I said, the guard nodding and takng his radio out, announcing he was transitioning subjects, as he opened the door all of us walking in as the Guard led us to the infirmary, opening the door. We all walked in, I looked at Audrey, she was asleep, looking bad, her skin stained. I looked over at the Guard
"Why isnt she awake?" I asked, staring at him, he shook his head.
"Shes in a coma." The guard replied, shutting the door and standing outside, everyone was silent at that newz, Audrey..? In a coma?

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