Hard time remembering.

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Salams Pov: "FIKI!" I yelled out, seeing her body drop on the cabinet and slide down, blood smeared over it. I stepped back, holding my arm over my mom. Seeing men walk in, shooting me and my mother with a tranquilizer dart, and feeling my consciousness fade as quick as Fiki's did.
**wake up!** I heard a voice call..who was it..what was it..?
Kylees Pov: i wake up in a white room..am i back at the lab..? But..how? i stood up groggily, holding my hands over my bandages on my chest. I looked up at a mirror, and noticed my door unlocked, i opened it and walked out, walking over to the cafeteria where people were eating, i noticed 03, she looked over at me and ran up. "2006! Ive missed you! Are you okay?" Okay...? Whats going on.
"Fiki! Wake up!" Whos fiki..?
Salams pov: i woke up in a white room with people holding tazers, i was tied to a chair, with had electrical wires all over it. I looked up at the people operating it. "This is your punishment, 005. Youll love the shock very much! Get it, shock? Hmmm?" Professor lianes said, laughing. As he pressed a button, sending awful shocks through my veins, i screamed in pain, yelling.
"your the best sister ever!" Sister..? Sister.. whos the best sister..?
Fikis pov: i slowly woke up, feeling my head ache. I looked down at the wall. It was a bright..bright...light..? i like lights...lights give.peace. I slowly stood up, slowly walking over to a reflection. Who is that in the picture..?..there is wrapping..around its head..is that a present..? Is it someone's..special day?..it has..long strands..i looked over at a rectangular door, walking over to it, i slowly pushed it. Watching it open. I stepped out. Looking at the long abyss. I walked down..and down..where am i going..? What is this..? I heard noise and walked to the source of it. There were people..little...old....I noticed a big man with dark  walk to me. Saying words i couldnt understand.. i let out a small "mmm..?" In response. They gently grabbed my arm, leading me to sit down at a small, empty table, i looked down at the table, looking at the small specs and different lights and darks.i felt something..i turned over..a figure..dark, light hair. Dark eyes. Dark scar. "Fiki? Is that you?" I heard the figure say..what does that mean.. i just stared at them in response. I heard them pull someone over, they had dark hair, dark eyes, i noticed droplets form from the dark eyes, dark droplets, the figure reached out and hugged me, i mumbled in response.. "fiki..? Fiki. Are you..fiki?" She said,  why did fiki sound familiar.. "fii...kii?" I let out, looking up at the figure. "Yeah, fiki..fedya, cmon..you cant just be gone.." she said,i tried understanding what she was saying. Thinking back...
i can remember a paper. "Im a weird thing, salam.." the rest i cant remember...salam...? I know her...right..yeah..shes..the most beautiful..salam..? Salam..!
I widened my eyes, looking at salam. I reached up hugging her back, wanting to show emotion. But i cant. Why couldnt i..? I looked over at kylee, who was looking at me with a smile. But..kylee seems fully recovered... "how long..have...i..been asleep..?" I asked, salam paused. "6 months." She said, i looked at her...6 months...........? This..this is the lab..no..they.we've been in here 6 months..ive been asleep...? I layed my head on salams shoulder. She winced, as she hugged me tightly. "I missed you.. can you remember what happened to you..?" Salam asked me..i thought..i remember getting locked in a room..then...then what....? "..i...i dont." I said, looking to the side. She sighed, hugging me even tighter. "Okay..just..whenever you have the chance, get rest, please. What happened to you was awful. Your head must still be achey, right..?" She asked, i nodded. Feeling my consciousness slipping. I stumbled foward, making sure i fell into salam, and let go.

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