Sizing..down? Up?

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Fikis pov: I looked down at salam, who was cuddling me to death, i sighed, moving my arms and picking salam up, standing up and walking to the table, sitting her down in a chair. Then sitting down next to her. I yawned, laying my head down, salam looked over at me, confused. "Tired already?! You just woke up!!" Salam exclaimed, i nodded. "I have energy..wheres kylee?" I replied, aswell as asking. "Sleeping." Salam replied to me, i nodded. I heard the door open, salams mom walked in with a bag, placing it down on the table. She pulled out what seemed to be not wearing that. I looked at salams mom like she was an idiot. "Im not wearing that." I said, staring at her. "Yes you are." She replied. Putting that down on the table. "I would rather become a toddler than wear that." I said, getting agitated. She started arguing with me, salam nervously picking with her fingers as me and her mother were arguing.

Salams pov: i watched them yell for a moment, then noticed fiki lose her breath, me and my mom looked at fiki, her size was changing, she was getting shorter? And her clothes getting bigger on her, i stood up, and walked over to her, she was the size of a small baby, her hair bigger than herself, i gasped, picking her up. She looked precious, i brushed her hair to the side, she cooed, patting her hands on my back. I looked at my mom, she shrugged. I gently hugged fiki, loving this baby look. "Ill see if i have your baby clothes- does she know shes like this??"  My mom said, i shrugged. She walked off to go find clothes, walking back with a onesie, handing it to me. "Maybe wrap your hoodie around her incase she grows back." She said, i walked in the other room, sitting fiki down on a bed, she started fussing, i panicked, taking my hoodie off and pulling off the oversized clothes on fiki, trying not to look at how exposed she was, i grabbed the onesie and quickly put it on her, pulling the bear hood over her and wrapping her in my hoodie. She stopped fussing and cooed, turning over. I picked her up, rocking her. I wish shed turn this an ability? I walked her back in the living room and sat down, holding her, she giggled, kicking her feet, i sat her down, leaning her against the couch. Where she immediately started screaming and fussing. I sighed, picking her back up so shed stop whining. She immediately stop, a grin on her face, i layed her back in my arms, feeling worried that she wouldnt turn back. Fiki cooed, clapping her hands and giggling, until she got tired, leaning back and rubbing her face, falling asleep, i smiled at her. I noticed her size starting to change, i quickly got the onesie off of her and wrapped her in my hoodie. I watched her size go back to normal, and i moved her against the couch, placing my hoodie over her and grabbing a blanket to place over her. I looked down at her, noticing her appearance was back to the way it was around a week ago, no chest issues, i sighed in relief, smiling at her, i placed down her clothes on the table and made sure she was covered with the blanket, and layed down on her chest through the blanket.

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