"Small" Scratches

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Fikis pov: i looked around. "Im gonna go look for some mushrooms, ill be back, you all stay here, got it?" I said, they all nodded, i got up and walked out and into the woods, id always had to be careful because theres a small drop off that could get someone hurt, real bad. I looked around, picking small flowers and mushrooms, until i walked in the ditch accidentally, i slid down, trying to stop myself as branches and trees hit me. "fuck!" I yelled out, sliding down, and falling, scraping my face against a tree branch, i screamed in pain. Feeling the tree branch slice into my skin, some of it ripping out. I landed on the ground, groaning and shaking. I held my hand over my face, trying to ignore the pain. I shakily stood up, looking up the ditch i had to crawl up. I looked at my hand, noticing i had crushed the flowers and mushrooms. I noticed my vision blurring and a dinging noise in my ears. I stumbled back, falling on the ground. Maybe i could take a break here...yeah..a small..break.

Salams pov: "hasnt fiki been gone a little while? She left at mid-day, and its night..should we go look for her..?" Kylee asked, i put the book down. "Yeaah..been thinking about that, actually.." i replied, getting up. "Audrey, you wanna come?" I asked, she shook her head, she seemed to be in a daydream or something, i shrugged it off, as me and kylee walked out to go look for fiki, checking near the lake and walking into the woods. Me and kylee walked around, until kylee slid down a ditch. She squealed. "Kylee! Hold on- im coming!" I yelled running to the side and running down. I looked around for kylee until i heard her yell. "I found fiki!!...i think she fell.." she yelled out, i ran to the source of the voice, seeing fikis face scratched and cut open..you could see a weird layer of her face, it was gushing out blood. Her face had deep cuts in them aswell. I crouched down at fiki. "Can you heal her?!" I asked kylee, kylee held her hand over fiki. "No, i cant, she has no pulse!" Kylee yelled back, i shrugged. "The heck does that mean to her?! Shes immortal, isnt she?!" I yelled back, kylee shrugged. She pulled the bandage off of fikis head, pulling some of it apart and holding it against the big cut on fikis face. "We really could use something sticky.. look around for a bee hive, they have honey, which is sticky, right?" Kylee said, i nodded, getting up and looking for a beehive. I ran around for about 20 minutes, getting chased my weird bugs and seeing a few squirrels, until i finally found a bee hive, i grabbed a tree branch and broke it down, bees running and stinging my arm. I grunted, stomping the beehive open, and wondering how i was supposed to get honey out of that. I scooped the comb into my hand, feeling honey on it. I squeaked, running back to kylee as quick as i could. I ran over and crouched down at fiki, kylee took some honey and placed it on fikis face, then pressing the bandage down on her, holding it down for a moment, until she was positive itd stick. "Maybe shes okay, zap her, maybe?" Kylee questioned, i formed electricity in my hand, pressing it down against fiki, which electrocuted her, fiki gasped, still knocked out, kylee shrugged. "Should we pick her up??" She asked, i thought for a moment. "No, your barely 12, no way in hell you can carry a grown person..ill try." I replied, placing my arms below fiki and lifting her up in a bridal postion, standing up and walking with kylee. By the time we made it out of the woods. The sun was rising, we arrived back, audrey seemed confused. "You guys took all night! Is 01 okay?" Audrey asked, kylee nodded. "Shes fine, i think..she mustve scrapped herself on tree branches, one cut her skin off, i think shes okay though." Kylee said, audrey looked curious. "Why didnt you just heal her?" Audrey asked kylee, i looked over at audrey. "01's vitals arent stable enough." I said, audrey nodded, sighing as kylee layed down on the bean bag, audrey grabbed a blanket off of fikis matress and layed it on kylee, sitting down and laying her head against the wall. I sat fiki down on the matress, covering her up with a blanket and making sure her head was on a pillow, i layed down next to her, staring at the bloodied bandage on her cheek, slightly worried.

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