Blood Sucking

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Salams pov: i felt fiki push me down, sucking the blood out of my shoulder, i let out a loud breath, putting my hand on fikis back, feeling the part of her wings. Audrey looked at me. "Do i knock her out?!" Audrey yelled. "No! Shes- shes fine! She'll calm down..! Euh...yeaah..." i said, my vision blurry and my mind empty. Kylee waved her hand infront of me. "I think shes dying!" Kylee said, a odd expression on her face. "No, salams just feeling funny from the amount of her blood being sucked out." Audrey said, i giggled as i gently lifted fiki up, her eyes were pure white. Fiki started to lean back down and suck on my skin, but i moved her head under mine. Shutting my eyes as i felt fiki bite deep in my neck, sucking blood out of my neck, maybe not a smart idea. Audrey placed a hand on fiki and put her to sleep, audrey lifted fikis head and layed her head down on my chest. "Euhh..." i moaned. I felt kylee place her hand on me, her hand glowing green. after a minute she moved her hand, i noticed blood stopped dripping from my neck and shoulder. I looked at fikis hair, laying my hand on her hair. Audrey took her jacket off and lifted fiki up, putting the jacket on fiki, before laying her back down and looking at fiki. "Did she just go feral??" Audrey questioned, i looked up. "Ehhh....probablyyy~" i giggled, kissing fikis head. "Kinda reminds me of 062, remember when a experiment sent her fe-" kylee started to say, before pausing. Looking at audrey. "You think they used that on 01?" Audrey asked, kylee thought, before her eyes turned white, she nodded, then they went back to normal. Audrey looked at me, slightly concerned. I looked down at fiki, noticing fiki waking up and groaning. "Eeeuh..what happened..?" Fiki grunted, lifting her wings up and down. "That feels weeird.." fiki mumbled, lifting up and looking at me. "Your neckk...shoulder...what happened..?" fiki asked, getting up and pulling me up, cuddling me in her arms. "Mmmm....meeeeeh." I mumbled, still feeling woozy. Fiki just scoffed, kissing me on the cheek and laying her head on my shoulder. audrey and kylee sat down, both seeming super tired. I looked down at fiki, noticing her eyes were slightly red, and a small fang poking out her mouth. was she really turning feral like 062..? It looked like it. She seemed bloodthirsty. I wrapped my arms around fiki, rubbing her hair as she looked up, her eyes full of thirst. She smiled at me, looking back down and shutting her eyes. Her fangs poking out. I noticed dryed blood on her fangs. Were they from my neck..?? What if she does turn feral? What will i do with her..?

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