Chapter 20 : Serendipity

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30th December, 2005

As Emma busily prepared lunch, her phone suddenly began to ring, breaking the rhythm of her cooking. She quickly wiped her hands on a kitchen towel and reached for her phone, curious about the unexpected interruption.

"Hello?" Emma answered, her voice tinged with curiosity.

On the other end of the line, a familiar voice greeted her. It was Y/n.

"Yo Emma. I just wanted to ask if I could come over in half an hour to catch up on school work from yesterday since I was absent."

Emma paused for a moment, considering the request. She didn't want to leave Y/n waiting but also didn't want to rush through her lunch preparation.

"Sure, Y/n! But I have one condition." Emma replied.

"Oh? And that is?" Y/n asked curiously.

"You'll have lunch with us!" The blonde head demanded, voice laced with excitement.

Y/n's grin could be imagined as they replied, "Couldn't be any better. I'll be there in 30."

"Can't wait to see your reaction on my cooking!",, Emma expressed receiving a giggle from the line. "Take your time and I'll be ready when you arrive. See you soon!"

With a sense of urgency, Emma set aside her cooking temporarily. And just when she was rushing to her room to prepare all the study material, she bumped straight into a rock hard surface.

She let out a high-pitched cry as she pressed the burning spot on her head. Recovering from the accident, she realised she had bumped into the bathroom door as someone had luckily matched the timing of her arrival to open the door right in her face.

"Mikeyyy!!" Emma shouted in annoyance as the said male walked outside in his boxers with a towel hanging on either side of his neck.

He shrugged and muttered an unapologetic 'sorry' as he left for his room, recieving a scoff from his sister on his way.

Emma hurriedly prepared the lunch as she called Mikey to lend her a hand.

"Gimme the nori sheets from the drawer, quick." The female ordered as her brother clicked his tongue wondering why she's hurrying so much.

"What's the occasion? Why are you all worked up?"

"My friend from school is coming over for studying. They'll have lunch with us so hurry up slacker."

Mikey sighed in defeat as he figured there was no escaping from kitchen this time, because he knows his sister doesn't let him off home-chores when any of her friends are coming over.

"Now go there and set the table."

"Okay madame."

"Pass me the chopsticks."

"Okay madame."

"Take out the cold drink cans from the fridge."

"Okay madame."


Y/n revved up their motorcycle, feeling the thrill of the engine roaring to life. The chilly wind whipped through their hair as they zoomed down the streets of the neighborhood.

As Y/n cruised along, they couldn't help but notice the familiar sights of the area. The houses stood tall and proud, their colorful facades passing by in a blur. They got deja vu as a familiar smell filled their nose as they neared their friend's home.

Arriving at Emma's place, Y/n parked their motorcycle with a small smile and got off, adjusting their backpack on their shoulders.

They walked to her door and knocked, and almost immediately was welcomed by none other than their soon-to-be President.

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