Chapter 31 : Past Unveiled

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"Yeah, go ahead." Y/n said.

"Back when we did business together, you used to ask me why I was so hungry for money.." Kokonoi began with his eyes closed,

"It was because I was trying to save someone close to me.."

Year 2000

"Akane-san! I'll save you!"

That was 11 year old Koko's voice. He had promised to save his love-Inui Akane-that day. The day when she had got caught up in a fire at her house. It had only been a week since then and Kokonoi had already started digging up ways to earn money for her treatment. Akane's parents were trying their best as well, but it was not enough to keep her alive for long. So, Koko did all sorts of things to get the money, from stealing from his parents to getting other guys to steal for him, he didn't care if it was a crime. All that mattered to him was Akane's well being.

"Hajime Kokonoi, you do business around here and a pretty good one at that. I've heard rumors about you. You're one money thirsty kid. Am I right?"

That was Y/n. One famous money maker in the underworld of kids. Koko had heard about them, but he had never seen them in person before.

"I am y/n, if that doesn't interest you, then my proposal for business partnership should. How about it? Every time I've ever partnered up with anyone, I've only brought triple of what they usually made. And I believe you and I would make even more since you smell different."

Koko had almost snorted hearing this, 'you and I would make even more since you smell different.' was this how the famous Y/n used to partner up with people? They were funny.

"Let's make a contract." Proposed Y/n.

"Sure but I have one condition." Koko replied.

"And what is it?"

"The expiry of that contract will be the day I decide it on." He demanded it seriously.

The reason behind why he put such a condition was Akane. He was hopeful that she would survive and get out of hospital soon and that when that'll happen, he'll put an end to this shady business. But some part of him knew, that the chances of that were below negligible as per the doctor's reports on her. Yet, he hoped for her to live.

After meeting Y/n, he had made a great deal of cash. Working everyday with them had become a job, and he was there with all his determination.

As time went by, no matter how much he paid the hospital, Akane's condition only seemed to worsen. And it deeply affected Koko. The doctors had given up.

"Akane-san...please...please don't die on me." He begged holding her pale, cold hand.

But reality was cruel.

On March 5th, Inui Akane rested in peace.

" broke your promise...but I will never...I will never break mine. I will keep you in my heart till the day I die..and wish one last time.."

"..that you'd have become mine.."

Koko sobbed in front of his deceased love. Pouring tears, born out of anger and love, regret and attachment. Though, his love, Akane had rested in peace, he had vowed to never let his love for her cease. Never let her fade away from his heart.

After his horrible fear had come true, there was only one thing left for him to finish. One last thing he had to end in order to close this painful chapter in his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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