Chapter 13 : Defeat

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"I'll protect Yuzuha today!" He yelled in a fierce voice as he came running towards his brother with a punch ready to deliver. Both of them clashed, punching, defending, kicking each other. Hakkai's face got bruised rather quickly but he didn't care. 

"This isn't even half of what takemichi took! I'm not giving up yet!" He exclaimed continuing to fight with Taiju. 

Meanwhile Y/n on the other hand, took their seat on a pew to watch the show. Koko approached them and said,

"You are having quite the fun. Let me join you." with that, Koko took a seat beside them as they watched Hakkai fight his brother one on one. None of them were backing down.

"Say Koko, who do you think will win?" Y/n suddenly spoke catching Koko's attention. Koko looked at them.

"Toman." He replied with certainty. He sounded like he knew the outcome of this brawl. 

"I had deduced you were going to say that and I know why." Y/n gave him a knowing look.

"I saw you helping Chifuyu untie himself. " Y/n created eye contact with the accused person, continuing.

"And you only stick with people who never lose. I know." Koko got surprised as he had thought no one had seen him helping his enemy like that. He faced Y/n with a serious face, ready to counter their allegations but before he could open his mouth Y/n spoke.

"Well, I didn't tell Taiju because I knew he would lose. So I didn't find it necessary to spill this to him. Besides, you're aware that I stick with victorious people too. So I couldn't care less about finding out that you helped him. The outcome would remain the same." 

"I didn't know you were the kind to break a deal with their regular clients. What made you switch? It can't only be that one reason to 'stick with the victorious'." finished Koko as he smirked at Y/n expecting an answer from them.

"Hanagaki. Never seen a punk like him before." Y/n's eyes diverted towards the beat up boy.

"What do ya think of him?"

"He's capable. Very capable." answered Y/n.



"True. Can't deny that. Even though the guy's weak as fuck but he still got that spirit to keep fighting." appreciated Koko. Suddenly, Chifuyu stood up and yelled at Y/n.

"You're not gonna sit there and watch!! I'm gonna beat your ass!" and he came running towards Y/n as they stood up ready to fight. He threw a punch at their face but Y/n dodged it and punched him in his gut with such force that he spewed blood. Takemichi's eyes diverted towards them as he lunged at Y/n in anger for hurting their friend. 

"Aaaarghhhh!" He delivered a punch in the air as they dodged it and got kicked away by them in return.

"Hanagaki you're beat up to shit. Don't intervene." Y/n sternly stated. But Takemichi being himself, didn't listen.

"Y/n-san, I never expected to see you like're not a part of Black Dragon but you're still fighting for them. I wonder what selfish reason you must have behind this." Takemichi spoke with a hint of disappointment in his voice as he prepared himself to deliver another punch at them.

"There's no reason. This is merely an entertainment for me. I don't fight people out of rage or fury or my personal hate for them. I just simply like to fight." Y/n replied as they kept dodging his and Chifuyu's kicks and punches. They were the calmest in the room.

"Takemichi you never told me you were friends with a scum like Y/n." Chifuyu butted in with disgust lacing in his voice as he spoke of Y/n. He threw a kick at them as he spoke that.

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