Chapter 22 : New Year

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The crisp winter air nipped at their cheeks as Y/n and Mikey zipped through the quiet streets on Mikey's motorcycle. Y/n clutched their jacket closer to their body, feeling chills. They felt the rumble of the engine beneath them as they navigated through the deserted roads. Both of them maintained a comfortable silence as the blonde male rode them to an eerie area. 

Looking closely at where they were heading, Y/n realized that Mikey was taking them somewhere other than the fair. Mayhap, to finish his plans from before he had bumped into Y/n.

The golden haired pulled over the bike to the side of the road, parking it near a cemetery. Y/n understood what it meant and quickly hopped off, Mikey cloning the action. The duo quietly made their way inside the cemetery; the boy led them to his brother's grave.

Mikey kneeled down, while pulling out a can of coke from his pocket and setting it in front of the grave. 

In a soft voice he began, "It's going to be new year soon, so I brought you coke." he paused and a small smile crept onto his face, "I could only buy one with the left over pennies from my allowance...and you know how Emma doesn't lend me her money, so don't complain about it.." he spoke to his brother's grave, sounding like he's used to talking to it. Y/n silently stood next to him, listening in to his one sided convo. 

"I'm sure you're enjoying great time up there.." He muttered, "And I hope that never ends for you." The boy said in a melancholic tone. It carried a sense of mourning. 

After a few moments, his next sentence caught Y/n's attention, "By the way, this is my new friend- Y/n. They're also going to be an official member of Toman tomorrow." He introduced, briefly glancing at the said person. Without a pause, Y/n paid homage to the late male with a bow. 

"I'm glad to meet you, uh.." They trailed off, trying to find the appropriate name to call the late man.

"Brother." Mikey interceded, giving them a soft smile. Y/n looked at him and smiled back, "Brother."

Right after, the blonde male stood up with the coke and briefly stated, "Let's go." And both of them strolled outside the cemetery. Whilst walking, the boy cracked open the can and offered,

"Want it?" Y/n looked at him and the can, nodding affirmatively and immediately getting the can shoved into their grip. They brought it to their lips and took a long, refreshing sip. The cool, crispy taste of the soda washed over their tongue. Whilst they savored the drink, a deep set of orbs couldn't help but stare at them unknowingly. Y/n hissed at the tangy flavor as they lowered the can, detaching them from their lips.

Without a warning, the can was snatched away from their grip as they were caught off guard by their companion. They watched as the blond male deftly brought the can to his lips, attaching it with a swift movement, and taking a sip that was just as long as theirs. An odd look formed on their face at this impolite gesture from him, but they shook it off right away. 

"Hop on. We ain't got time to waste." Mikey said as he got on the saddle, handing the can to them. 

With an "Alright" the said person sat behind him and both of them cruised to the fair.


 The New Year Fair unfolded like a vibrant tapestry of color and light against the canvas of the night sky. Brightly adorned stalls lined the bustling streets, their canopies adorned with twinkling lights that casted a warm, inviting glow. The air was alive with the scent of sizzling street food and the cheerful voices of people. 

"It sure is crowded." Hinata expressed with a smile, looking around. Her boyfriend agreeing, "It sure is."

"Takemitchy!" Mitsuya called from behind, the boy turning around with his girlfriend. 

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