Chapter 27 : Reunion

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10th January, 2018 

"We're going to Philippines. Mikey wants to see you." 

The flashback from an hour ago played in his mind on repeat. He asked himself the same bunch of questions which had him tangled ever since he met this mysterious person who's hijacked him.

"Um..can I know you name?" Hanagaki finally mustered up the courage to ask. The man who sat next to him replied almost immediately, 

"Sushi. You can call me sushi." He smiled at him, completely looking harmless and polite. Hanagaki sweatdropped as he sensed the sudden change in his aura as quickly as they sat in their seats in the flight. 

'This guy is so...strange.' He thought as he watched his hijacker put on a movie on the screen and attach his headphones. 

"You wanna watch something?" Sushi asked, looking expectantly at the raven haired male. 

" can enjoy yourself." He refused hesitantly as he diverted his attention to the air hostess who was announcing safety instructions. 

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen! This is your friendly flight attendant speaking. We are delighted to have you on board for this exciting journey. Please fasten your seatbelts, ensure your seatbacks and tray tables are in the upright position, and stow away all electronic devices. We'll be taking off shortly, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the flight. Thank you!"

As soon as he heard her, he immediately pulled out his phone and switched it off. He quickly fastened his belt and hoped that this plane would make it to Philippines. 

"The plane is now taking off." The staff announced, making Hanagaki hold tight on his armrest. He pursed his lips and shut his eyes tightly as he mentally prayed to God. 

Suddenly, someone's voice rang in his ears, which abruptly pulled him out of his headspace.

"Do you have aviophobia?" Hanagaki immediately turned to him— "Sushi" was looking at him with a playful smile. 

"Maybe. It's my first time on a flight so even I'm discovering it right now.." Takemitchi replied as he felt his stomach drop. His anxiety kicked in as his body was now feeling weird and unusual sensations. For a moment he felt weightless. 

"You kinda remind me of my sibling." The hijacker muttered as he diverted his pupils to the window, looking gloomy. The face of his sibling, which he somehow couldn't stand, flashed in his mind as he let out a sigh. 

Hanagaki, on the other hand was feeling nauseous. He tried to hold it in until they were in the air. And right when it was announced they were, he immediately announced, 

"W-well I think I'm gonna throw up-"  he quickly stood up from his seat and ran for the toilet, leaving behind a laughing Sushi. 

"Sir you can't enter the business class just like that. You'll have to additionally pay and upgrade your ticket." The flight attendant stopped the man in the trenchcoat. He swiftly pulled out his identity card and showed the attendant, immediately gaining entrance.

"Oh..sorry sir. You may enter." With that she stepped aside. 

The man directly went over to the toilet as he vowed, "I'm gonna get you out of this, Takemitchi-kun." 

And just when he reached there, he heard muffled sounds of vomiting from inside. He immediately burst-opened the door and saw a throwing-up Takemitchi. Immediately, he started patting his back until he was done. 

"Are you okay?" He asked the nauseous one who was coughing incessantly. After a good while of coughing and spitting, the guy finally calmed down. He finally turned to him, 

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