Chapter 15 : Deceit

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27th December, 2005

"So this is where he lives." Said Y/n as they stood outside Chifuyu's door with Hanagaki.

Takemichi knocked and both of them waited. After a few seconds the knob twisted and the door opened. An excited grin spread on his face when he saw his friend but quickly got replaced with a frown when his eyes fell upon the uninvited guest. Without even hesitating, he immediately shut the door on their faces.

"Hehhh!?" Takemichi exclaimed as Y/n just let out a small laugh saying, "See? I told you."

"He'll pay for that." Takemichi replied looking at them and turning back to the door.

"Oi! Chifuyu open up!"

"Why have you brought them!?"

"Because I wanted to explain to you about us! Weren't you curious!?"

"No I wasn't! I ain't even interested to hear, go back!"

"Chifuyu this is important! Understand me!"

"Nah Takemitchy I ain't takin' shit from you today."

Y/n sighed. 'Looks like I'm the middle man of every argument today..'

Suddenly, they heard a purr sound from behind them. They turned around curiously, and found a Black cat looking up at them. It had a cross charm hanging from its leash and it looked like an ordinary local breed. The cat meowed at them.

"You're bored of the argument of stupids too, right, goth kitty?" Y/n talked as they bent down in front of it. The cat responded with silence and diverted it's attention to Chifuyu's door. After a few seconds of watching Hanagaki bang on it, the cat decided to take matters into its paws.

It casually stood up, walked towards the door and meowed loudly.

The door immediately opened but only enough for the cat to enter inside. It was as if the cat had spoken the magic words to move the big rock to enter the cave like in tales. Y/n found this funny.

Meanwhile, Takemichi grabbed the door and pulled it with his whole might to create enough gap to pass through; and he successfully did. He kept it like that as Y/n also made their way inside.

And Chifuyu, the owner of this apartment-was caught up in a human-cat wrestling on his floor.

Both of the guests sighed as they finally got inside.

"So this is the best welcome you promised me about, Hanagaki." Y/n said in a funny tone rather than a complaining one and Takemichi just awkwardly looked away.

"Get the fuck off from me Peke J!"



Grumbles and aggresive purrs echoed as Y/n decided to put an end to it.

"Peke J, my goth kitten, come to me please.." Y/n lured in the aggressive cat as they bent down in front of it with their arms stretched out.

The cat got attentive upon hearing its name and quickly turned around to see Y/n welcoming it. It stared at their face for a couple of seconds, making a tough decision. Then it looked back at its owner. And immediately after, jumped into Y/n's arms. Takemichi let out a loud laugh.

"Your cat just picked a random stranger over you Chifuyu!"

"Shut the fuck up dumb-mitchy." He retorted getting up from floor and snatching his cat from Y/n.

"Very nice way to thank me for saving you." Y/n commented acquiring a seat on their hater's bed. They just received an annoyed 'humph' in return. Takemichi joined them on the bed as Chifuyu sat on his chair with Peke J.

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