Chapter 11: The Showdown pt. 2

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Inside Udagawa Church


A ringing noise echoed as the knife fell out of Hakkai's hand.

He was in a chokehold, being held up in the air by his brother Taiju. His eyes glistened in desperation as he struggled to get some air.

His brother's golden eyes pierced through his own.

"For you, it's always just an act." Taiju spoke disappointedly, with anger mixed.

"I'd gotten my hopes up that you'd actually try to kill me." He took a pause. "This is hard on me, Hakkai."

"You've let me down once again." Expressed Taiju in a raspy voice. Hakkai on the other hand grumbled under the pressure of his brother's grip.

"If you're serious about it, don't shout. Stab me quietly from behind."

'If Taiju's here...that means...Kisaki and Hanma betrayed us! Chifuyu!' Takemichi thought as he watched the horrible scene of the two siblings with widened eyes.

'But wait...we stopped Hakkai from killing his brother! Could this mean... I've accomplished my mission..?' Realisation knocked at his door as he thought deeply.

'No! Now Hakkai's in trouble! This isn't good!' he took short and fast breaths as he yelled.

"Stop!!" Takemichi's mind was in a frenzy, a whirlwind of chaos. He knew he was in deep trouble. What could he possibly do? Taking on someone as formidable as Taiju all on his own was out of the question. He was well aware that he was the weakest member of Toman. A nervous sweat trickled down his forehead, as he realized the daunting reality of his situation.

'What'll I do? Can I actually stop Taiju? But If I don't do anything..!'

In a swift and ruthless motion, Taiju flung Hakkai to the ground, the impact echoing with a resounding thud. Hakkai couldn't help but emit a loud squeal, the pain coursing through his body.

"Hanagaki Takemichi. This is the second time you've interfered with Shiba family affairs." Taiju growled, his voice dripping with venom. His eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, as if he were a monstrous creature ready to devour his prey. The mere sight of him sent chills down Takemichi's spine, knowing that he was facing a true monster.

Takemichi's heart raced, his breath catching in his chest as beads of sweat formed on his trembling face as he watched Taiju come closer to him.

Taiju stood close enough to tower over the poor boy's frame as he stared down at him, angrily.

"Hakkaiiii.." he called out in a sing songy voice to his brother who sat on the ground, terrified.

"My back is wide open." He said.

'He's goading Hakkai...But why?' before he could even understand the situation, Takemichi was met with a hard punch on his face.

Takemichi felt the impact of Taiju's powerful punch, causing him to be sent rolling back several times. He tumbled uncontrollably, each rotation adding to the disorienting sensation. It was a brutal blow.

"Before, I punched you with only 30% of my power. Since this is the second time, I'm using 50%. Understand?" Said Taiju with an evil face.

"Hurts like hell, doesn't it?"

'I... can't move.' thought Takemichi as his vision blurred.

'I've been punched by lots of different people before, but Taiju's on a different level..!'

An evil smile spread across Taiju's face.

'He's going to kill me!'

Taiju threatened his sibling. "What's the matter Hakkai? Aren't you going to save him? If you're not, then I'll finish him off."

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