Chapter 7 : Gathering Storm

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12th December, 2005

"So, you're Hanagaki Takemichi."


"The infamous Takemichi. I'm really meeting you now." Y/n stated seriously.

"Yes...but infamous..?" Takemichi questioned, confused.

"You like to get punched a lot for your friends. Which gang was it?"

"Ehrm..Tokyo Manji gang. Toman.." Takemichi replied scratching his neck awkwardly.


Y/n continued interrogating the poor boy.

"You really like to worry your girlfriend." Y/n stated with a serious tone holding eye contact with the accused guy.

Takemichi grew nervous and lowered his gaze in shame.

"Ehrm.." He was at a loss of words.

To explain this situation in simple words, Tachibana had left the two to use the restroom. And since they had not properly introduced themselves before, they took advantage of the time. Well, it was more of an interrogation between a criminal and a cop.

"Takemichi, you're a special delinquent." Y/n said turning to look at the sky. This statement caught Takemichi by surprise. He did not see that coming right after being interrogated that strictly. So he pried, "Special delinquent? How so?"

"I've never come across anyone as stupid as you." Takemichi raised a brow to this as Y/n finished it with a light laugh.

"You care enough about your gang members to get beat up for them." Y/n elaborated turning to look at Takemichi.

"What's wrong with wanting to protect my gang?" Takemichi responded questioningly which made Y/n laugh.

"That exactly, is stupid Hanagaki." Y/n laughed while continuing to explain, "Even if you lose and end up becoming a punching bag yourself? You make me laugh." Takemichi got confused.

'Isn't taking care of your fellow teammates a good thing? What's this person implying?'

"If that makes you laugh then laugh. I care about and stay loyal to my teammates even if I end up losing. Because, in the end what matters the most to me is my team. Running away is what cowards do." Takemichi defended himself reflecting on his ideals.

"So you're saying that you value your so called friends' lives more than your own's? Don't act like a saint, Hanagaki." Y/n continued laughing. This irritated and confused Takemichi.

'This person sounds like they haven't experienced parents' love...or even friends'...Why can't one just simply care about someone enough to get some bruises for them? It isn't impossible, the world hasn't reached to that point yet...'

Contemplating on this, Takemichi spoke again, determined to prove his argument to this person, "It isn't impossible to get some bruises for someone you care about...Call me whatever but I am not backing off like a coward."

"All the people in this world do things which have alternative purposes, selfish ones. They do not do things just out of care for someone...Are you sure you don't have any selfish purpose too?" Y/n looked into Hanagaki's eyes with a cold face. For once, Takemichi wavered inside.

He knew he had a selfish purpose behind all of this. The selfish purpose to save his girlfriend. He knew it. The reason he joined this gang in the first place. But he always chose to ignore it, he defended himself considering his care for the members but deep down he knew, his main purpose was only to save Tachibana. But this did not let him back down and admit defeat in front of Y/n. He stood his ground,

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